Chapter 6: The Infinity Stones

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RE-WRITTEN AS OF 13/01/2017


          Human nature.

          Curious thing, isn't it? A sharp enemy and a tenacious ally, sometimes even a comforting friend or a passionate lover. It's the only thing that can control anyone and everyone. Some people claim they can't be controlled, that they can't be owned or tamed, but they can be, by one single thing.

          Human nature.

          The enthralling downfall or cursed gift that comes with human nature, are emotions. That's the part of human nature that everyone despises, but loves at the same time. Emotions are the most controlling element of the human nature, an unpredictable factor that is known and understood, but still can't be anticipated.

          Have you ever been in an emotional turmoil so great you are unsure as to what you actually feel? Or how you feel about all that ensues around you? All these emotions that recklessly rampage around like rampant wildebeest confined to the small capacity of the human mind and heart, when they actually need space as large and seemingly endless as the Pacific Ocean or the Labyrinth maze.

          Some people shatter under the pressure because their minds aren't as formidable or capable of keeping their emotions under control. Their minds rupture and burst like overwhelmed floodgates after all the bending and stretching they had to endure in order to make room for all the emotions the brain had to govern. These kinds of people are mentally unstable, and there are almost limitless classifications that they fall under. Schizophrenia, Multiple personality disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Stockholm syndrome, Narcissistic personality disorder – pretty sure I have that one – and so on and so forth.

          It takes a lot for someone to crack. It usually doesn't take a single act, maybe not even two. It's kind of like bullying. It has to be a repetitious feat for it to be properly taken into account. It's not always like this though, for some people are stronger than others.

          Some people don't break.

          I envy those people, for I used to consider myself one of them. I was proud of myself for being able to subdue and control all the frenzied and provoked emotions that stemmed from my traumatic but clouded childhood and everything that has transpired since then. However, finding out that your own father not only tortures you with training until bruises litter and envelop every inch of your skin – something I obvious already knew – but that he's secretly been experimenting on you since you first arrived in an unknown, alien world away from everyone you care about?

          That single feather tipped the scale.

          Adelaide gawks and grounds her teeth together in an insatiable ire, but the excited ground begins to soften its trembling, the winds dying out. "You're experimenting on us with the infinity stones? How the hell did you not know it wouldn't kill us? I mean, that level of power coursing through our veins—ˮ

          "Occupational hazard," Loki sniffs, his tone at a level of disinterest that makes it seem as if we're chatting over tea and scones.

          The fire and ice around me stills within a millisecond, as if frozen in time. The amount of emotions swarming my body at the moment strangely prohibits my elemental abilities – what's left of them – from properly functioning, as if my brain is solely focused on trying to arrange and organize the emotions fluttering around.

          "Explain. Everything." Usually when a daughter uses that tone with her father, the daughter would get into a whole world of trouble for disrespecting him, but we were never a normal family, were we? He barely blinks at my somewhat threatening remark, and he doesn't require a more elaborate demand from me to delve into a lengthy explanation.

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