Announcement and Thanks!

6.2K 229 59

G'day Wattpad! I'll try not to keep you long, but I've just got a couple things to say to the amazing readers of this book. (What I'm gonna say here is practically identical to what I said on FFTE)

Firstly, sorry I've been a way for a while, things got kinda low when I found out my auntie has cancer, and now that I'm about to enter year 12, school is even MORE hectic. I know I'm always babbling on with excuses, but I thought I should just let you know what's kept me away so long. I've almost finished the next chapter for this though, so that's good!

Secondly, I want to give you all a MASSIVE, BIG, HEARTFELT THANK YOU!! Why? Oh, no reason.... other than the fact that FFTE hit 1 Million reads on Sunday the 19th of June (2016 obviously) Australian time!!! I said thanks on message board a day or two after it happened I think, but because life has been pretty up and down at the moment I haven't had a chance to update on here. But like I said, soooonnnn my patient people.

Like really, I never imagined that FFTE would be so popular and so many people would like it, and I am so so so grateful for all the amazing readers on here, especially the commenters. Even though I don't reply to a lot of comments, when I'm bored or even during class (naughty me) I just flick through the chapters and read all the comments on my phone. You guys really make my day and make me so happy so I really really am so glad for such a loving, kind and funny reading audience!

Do you reckon I've said thank you enough times? Wait, I've still got one more thank you in my system.

Thank you!!

Anyway, lastly, I came back to Wattpad a couple days ago only to realize my books (mainly FFTE) have been nominated in several categories in the Marvel Fanfic Awards!!! Like AHHHHHHHHH OMGGGGGG THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU! I wouldn't have been nominated if not for you guys, so once again.... brace yourself....


I have been nominated on @marvelfanficawards in several categories, including:

Best Comedy: Falling for the Enemy

Best Plot Twist: Falling for the Enemy

Best Captain America: Falling for the Enemy

Best Iron Man: Locked Love

Best Marvel/DC Crossover: Locked Love and Super Love

Book of the Year: Falling for the Enemy

#1 Female Villain: Lillian Nightshade from Falling for the Enemy

Best Female Anithero: Lillian Nightshade from Falling for the Enemy

Toughest Character: Lillian Nightshade from Falling for the Enemy

Most Motivational: Ally in Falling for the Enemy

Saddest Death: Ally in Falling for the Enemy

Author of the Year: Marvel_Mockinjays (hehe, that's me)

That's THIRTEEN nominations people!!! Thank you all SO much for nominating me! I know I shouldn't be asking more of you, but if you go to @marvelfanficawards and vote for me in each category, hopefully I'll be able to win one or two! There are a lot of talented people on there though, with a lot of AMAZING books, so it's definitely tough competition. In the end, anyone of those authors deserve to win for the amount of effort and time they've put into their books.

So here I ask, from the bottom of my heart to anyone who may be reading this, please go vote! We gotta get Lillian through the ranks people! Voting ends on August 20th

Still, as always, I am very grateful for the following on here, and I really love all of you so dearly. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! (Or had a wonderful day).

Thanks for reading and that's all for now, bye! :) xxx

~ T.L

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