Christmas One-Shot: Civil War of Pranks

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Heyyyy!!! Real quick before we get this show on the road:

1) Next chapter of PBTE is almost finished, so that should be uploaded pretty soon too.


2) THIS DOES NOT AFFECT THE STORY LINE OF PLAYED BY THE ENEMY AT ALL. This is in a time where everything is back to normal, and they're all spending a normal Christmas with each other. I thought you guys deserved a little, happy, fluffy Christmas gift, so this is from me to you! (despite it being a bit belated, sorry).


3) MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!!! And, if I don't update before New Year's, a happy New Year to all of you wonderful people!

Anywho, let's get on with it :)


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a –


Well.... okay yeah, a Stark was stirring.... Aaaaannndd it wasn't the night before Christmas... close enough though.

Natasha sighs in enervation, her face just as worn and tired of the antiques. "He's at it again," she mumbles, passing another Christmas ornament up the ladder to me.

Accepting it and hanging it on the next available spot on the 26ft Christmas tree, I respond with dry snort. "It's Tony, what do you expect?"

Further away, residing on his comfortable spot on the luxurious couch, Clint continues to do nothing but munch on Adelaide's homemade Christmas cookies and observe Natasha and I decorate the Christmas tree all by ourselves. "He's just trying to spread the Christmas cheer," Clint snickers, a shit-eating grin glued to his lips and not going away anytime soon.

"This is your definition of Christmas cheer?"

Natasha, Clint and I all twist our necks, and immediately, Clint and I splutter out laughing at Sam, who has unfortunately been the next pitiful victim of Tony's holiday pranks. Natasha's lips simply draw into a smile, a silent chuckle rolling off her tongue as she shakes her head. Sam stands in the vast doorway, looking out onto the top floor of the Avengers tower with a smouldering expression and a red afro adorned in green polka dots stuck to his head.

His face speaks of his displeasure more than words ever could.

I have to grip onto the ladder with as much strength as I can muster so I won't fall off from my abundance of laughter, resting my head on the step above as I begin to lose my breath like Clint below.

I swear, steam was almost rising from his face. "Yeah, ha ha ha, I look like the kid of Santa Clause and Chuckles the Clown, I get it. Dear God, this couldn't possibly get any worse—"

"Ra da da da da da da da circus! Da da da da da da da da afro! Circus afro, circus afro. Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro!"

Overhead, the speakers blast 'Afro Circus' from Madagascar 3 as Tony saunters in, doing a little dance that you would most likely see Ellen DeGeneres do at the start of her show. Wearing a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt, worn jeans and a cheap Santa hat, he slides over to an overly exasperated Sam and loosely slings an arm around his shoulders.

"Say cheese Binky," he grins, slipping a phone out of his back pocket with his free hand, snapping a quick selfie with Sam, and depositing it back in his pocket all in one fluid motion, too fast for Sam to even register.

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