Chapter 21: Let the Games Begin

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New Bucky Barnes fanfic up!! Please give it a read, vote and comment! It'll be a part of the Nightingale-verse so expect references to this book or the Horsemen at some point.


I can feel his eyes pinning me down. Burning like two scorching coals have been set on my back. I refuse to stop my movements though, the actions bringing me such a serene peace and no longer exerting me anywhere near as much as they use to.

Cross legged, I sit. Damp dirt clings to my jogging pants. Clouds of leaves obscure parts of the sun, only allowing patches of light to dapple the ground and my clothing. The brisk rawness in the air nips and wraps its talons loosely around my bare arms, yet fails to chill me much at all. The churning sound of the water dripping and pushing and pulling and flowing as I manipulate it in delicate swirls and patterns in the air mimics the sound of the river running before me. The rhythmic sound of my phone lightly playing music from my playlist can be heard from where it sits on the bank of the Potomac river next to me, currently playing 'Game of Survival' by Ruelle. Took quite a jog to get far enough down the river to find a desolate spot of isolation, had to jump a fence as well.

Time is merely what I needed. Not much, not like the kind of time you need to think over relationship choices, or the kind of time you need after hearing a relative has passed away. I just needed some peace and time to think without Sam, my father, Adelaide, Tony, Steve or anyone breathing down my neck. I haven't had a true moment alone since long before Asgard.

Unfortunately, that time alone seems to have been cut irritatingly short.

"You're disrupting the peace," I quietly comment, too immersed in my serenity, concentration and potentially dangerous thoughts to speak with much passion or in a tone above a whisper. "Something you seem to do quite naturally, even without the aid of an extra-terrestrial mass invasion."

Just as I felt his curious gaze before, I can just as easily feel his unimpressed eye roll now. "I try to invade Midgard once and you refuse to let me live it down. I even said that I was sorry."

My pause is brief, but it's sharp enough to convey my clear displeasure. "An attempt at a global invasion that would have resulted in mass slavery at the hands of alien life forms and my temperamental, power hungry father is not something you can amend with a 'I'm sorry'. Nor is it something you can easily live down."

"What are you even doing?" He disregards my biting response, opting for a subject change as he strolls towards me with the poise of a prince. "Sitting in the dirt, listening to strange tunes emitted from the rectangle device. You are not even required to move your arms in such a manner anymore; you are capable of controlling your abilities with minimal to no movement at all."

I leave him hanging for a while, continuing my fluid arm manoeuvres. My hands are dancing with a style comparable to a few more elegant dances, including Flamenco, mixed with softer martial arts, namely Tai Chi. The water is dancing in patterns and beats, in perfect flow and time with the music playing and in correspondence to the motions of my hands. "I enjoy feeling the flow of my hands join with that of the elements," I answer gently, pushing and pulling in gestures like the moon pushes and pulls the tides. "It takes less energy as well, funnily enough. I use to break into a sweat after doing this for twenty minutes or so, but now? I've been doing this for just over an hour now and I don't feel any exertion whatsoever."

Speaking aloud my thoughts, I continue to try and untangle and pull at the knots forming in my mind in an attempt to understand and solve the problems and questions I continue to ask myself. "When I first started training myself how to control my powers, I was at a loss to do so. Most people are taught, they have teachers with experience and wisdom that are able to effectively pass it on to their students. Because my mother wasn't around, and there was no one else to teach me, I had to figure things out for myself."

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