Chapter 10: Frequencies, Coffee and Whiskey

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Forewarning: Bit of a filler and more swearing than usual in this chapter. Don't know why, enjoy!


          "I'm sorry, fighting evil, egotistical, tyrannical overlord aliens seems to have jumbled my mind a little and interfered with my hearing, because I could have sworn that you just said our universes merged," I respond with clear scepticism and amusement underlining my tone, a pinch of mockery added to the mix.   Stir well for a frazzled, pissy Lillian!

          Lucas sighs, already worn out from the explanation that's evidently ahead. Glancing around the room as if there's a heavenly entity hovering above and watching, he politely asks the air "Aidan, pull up two projections; our universe and their universe, side by side."

          "Of course Mr. Davids," a robotic, Australian voice replies seemingly from nowhere. Ah, they have an AI – why does everyone seem to have artificial intelligence systems these days? Tony has one, Reed had one, the Horsemen have one.... I want one....

           The lights in the room instantly dim out, like a fire being fed water. A yellowy-golden, interactive hologram centres itself in the middle of the living room behind Lucas, similar looking to Stark's blue holographic tech. The holograms depict two universes, identical in every way.

           "This is our universe," he clarifies, pointing to the universe closest to him on the left. "And this," Lucas continues, pointing to the one next to it "is yours. Practically identical. The only difference is the events the entail on each earth and Asgard; a contingent difference resulting from the discrepancies induced by you three and you three alone. Your companion Allison Renegade presumably has had a notable impact as well."

          "Okay I'm following so far," I say, my gaze regarding Sam and Adelaide for their affirmation that they are as well. They both nod simultaneously, Adelaide's right hand holding her left arm closer to her and Sam's arms securely folded across his chest.

          Lucas' lips quirk up in a brief, relieved smile. "Okay so, in the simplest form I can articulate to you, these universes are all part of a multiverse; one infinite sector of space that contains numerous universes similar to one another, but pertain their own differences. Something you are all aware of. However, these universes actually all occupy the exact same location within space, but each universe oscillates at a separate frequency, preventing us from seeing each other. The only way we are able to travel between our universes is if we're moving at a fast enough speed. If we move this fast, it enables us to establish a breach between the worlds—ˮ

          "Like the Crossroads," I follow on, watching Lucas gesture between the two golden holographic universes.

          "Precisely," he grins, the smile almost goofy from excitement. "Now, its basic law that when something gives off energy, the particles and atoms that it comprises of begin to vibrate faster at a controlled speed, as well as give off heat. How much heat it gives off and how fast the particles begin to vibrate at, is dependent on the level of the energy being used. The infinity stones, when altogether, practically endow the user with omnipotence – the complete supremacy and authority over everything in existence—ˮ

          "We already know this Lucas," Stella softly intervenes, arm brushing my own from the close proximity between us. "Where is this going?"

          He sighs, eyes fluttering close for a second. "That's what I'm getting to. Now, when you tried travelling back to earth through the portal –which miraculously enough took you here instead of another realm – you activated three of the infinity stones; time, space and mind. They gave off a new vibration, a new frequency, from not only being activated at such an energy level, but at the same time. You were originally supposed to land back on your earth in your universe, but the space stone lost control and compelled your entire universe to vibrate at the same frequency that it was vibrating at; a frequency that's a combination of all three of infinity stones. The new frequency is not so different from the old one, but because there are so many universes in the multiverse, your entire universe began to vibrate at the same frequency of another universe – our universe."

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