Chapter 14: Interview... Or Interrogation?

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          "I can't believe you're making me do this."

          "I can't believe you're not letting me design your new suit."

          I shrug, appearing helpless when I'm everything but that. "They owe me more favours than you have dollars in your bank account. Besides, you're used to designing Iron man suits, not proper fighting gear that can withstand my abilities. I don't exactly pitch you as an excellent seamstress either. And you gotta admit, their suits are pretty freaking awesome."

          Stark pouts, and if it wasn't for the goatee and the fact he's a forty something year old man, I would've pinned him as a child right there and then. Hell, I still do. "You have just dealt a powerful blow to my overwhelming ego and insulted my sewing expertise in one go. You, my dear Lillian, have just made an enemy."

          I snort, containing my amusement. "Well I fell for my last one, so let's hope that doesn't happen this time."

          "Are they always like this?" Adelaide lowly asks Sam, her shoulder length amber hair delicately brushing in front of her face like a silky curtain.

          Even without sparing another glance over my shoulder, I can hear and feel the amusement laced in Samuel Hemmings' voice. "It's actually an off day for them at the moment. They're usually a bit more savage."

          After much debacle and relentless pestering, I eventually acquiesced to Tony's suggestion to join SHIELD once more. A part of me – and it's no small part, let me tell you that – felt a refreshing rush of adrenalin and euphoria when I agreed. To be able to return to the way of life that I know, the way of life that I've been secretly pining for ever since I was snatched away to Asgard..... It's as if a part of me is beginning to be restored. Like SHIELD and Tony and my old lifestyle are enough to fill the dark abysses that had taken a hold of me ever since two of the elements were ripped from my grasp.

          Of course, another part of me is somewhat dismal and mournful. I had begun building up a normal, quiet life here with Sam and Addie. I had a good job, I wasn't being pursued, no one was trying to kill me, I had good friends – like Danny at the coffee shop and Rob, Brian, Andy and Mark from the bar – and for once in my lifetime, I could relax. I could breathe. Yet in the midst of my quarrel with Tony about this, he pulled a dick move and brought up him.

          Steven Grant Rogers.

          He knew that I would cave in helplessly then. And begrudgingly, I had to admit that yes, it pained me to have been away from him so long. It still pains me. After everything we have been through, a life without that Star Spangled, Fourth of July stripper seems like a pretty bleak life to me. If I had the ability to go back in time and see my past self, past Lilly would bitch slap me harder than Green Machine for admitting that I needed someone in my life that wasn't Ally or Nick. And even now, there's still a pretty damn large chance that he won't be in my life. Just because I'm joining SHIELD, doesn't mean that I'm going to be working alongside him. Heck, the chance that I would even pass him in the hallway is unbelievably slim. He's Captain America, the first Avenger and superhero, not some low level, freshman SHEILD agent.

          But hope is a powerful tool, and Tony Stark knows how to wield it well.

          Three days have passed, and within those three days I have not only called up all my clients and regretfully informed them of my early retirement, but given Stella and the boys a friendly phone call as well. If I'm going in, then I'm going to need a suit, and they have more than enough resources to make me one. After all, they still owe me quite a few favours.

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