Chapter 8: The Great Escape - Part 2

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          "That cell was so awfully dull and tiresome, and the other inmates weren't the most entertaining sources of conversation. Some wouldn't even speak, whilst others would send me a glare so far from terrifying that it wouldn't even make Gullinbursti flinch—ˮ

           "I swear that if he doesn't stop whining, I'm gonna find a needle and thread and sew his damn lips shut," Adelaide growls quietly to me in regards to our father "or maybe I'll just borrow your sword and cut out his tongue."

           I snort dryly. "Why waste so much effort trying to remove his tongue? Just sever his whole bloody head."

          Not even five minutes after breaking all the condemned criminals out, and Sam, Adelaide and I already possess a burning desire to eradicate the Norse God of Mischief and Lies. I'm almost certain Sam hasn't said anything negative in relation to my father yet out of common courtesy, in an attempt to bestow him with the benefit of the doubt. Lord knows he doesn't deserve it after everything, but Sam is Sam, and the only person he doesn't see as redeemable is his own father; Victor Von Doom. It's plainly obvious that the constant, pointless yapping from Loki is driving him over the edge though, even though he's most likely having a mental debate over the fact that he's Adelaide's and my father so he shouldn't be zapped to a crisp on the spot.

          "– wouldn't even last five minutes in that place. He would most likely use that hammer of his and try and barrel his way out. That is how my adoptive older brother seems to settle everything these days; 'maybe if I hit it hard enough, or strike it with enough lightning, all my problems will disappear'. He's got a brain the size of a pebble—ˮ

          "Can someone shut him up?" I exasperate, turning sharply on my heel to face everyone behind me with my katanas gesturing about agitatedly. Sam, Adelaide, Loki and the band of criminals that were trotting behind us in attempts to follow us out of the prison, all fall silent for a prolonged moment whilst coming up with a plausible response. Yet when Loki's mouth opens to most likely reprimand me or come up with a sarcastic remark, a large, looming, purple creature that's about the height of two of me whacks a heavy, metal mace over the God's head, not hard enough to knock him unconscious, but strong enough to nearly make him see little birdies flying around his head.

           Swallowing my smile, I nod to the released criminal in a show of gratitude and politely say "Thank you." Spinning on the balls of my feet, I face forward once more and continue down the last hallway to the exit.

          Once out, the vast stone courtyard with its golden, engraved pillars offer a chance to either head towards the palace gates and out into the local streets of Asgard, or turn into the actual palace and wreak havoc on the Asgardians inside there. A number of criminals don't take the risk of revenge and merely head out of the courtyard and into the town, but the rest of the criminals present their ire against the guards and Thanos in a display of scowls and raised weapons retrieved from the weapons room we passed on the way.

           Facing these Norse races and Gods – a large amount of them most likely innocent but pissed off Thanos in some way – I firmly announce "I don't ask you to follow, nor do I ask you to listen to what I have to say. But this imposter king, this coward that locked you all away because he deemed all of you guilty of trying his patience, is currently sitting on his snug throne in that palace." I point towards the towering golden building to the right of us with my sword, heatedly continuing "A palace that isn't rightly his. He sits on his throne and sneers down at all of us, taking away our liberties and putting himself above us all, as if we're another ant under his ever so important boot. I don't care what you do to him, and I don't care how you do it. But if you want your chance at sweet, long overdue revenge, you better take it now while my friends and I strike his smug ass off that snug throne!"

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