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Things are better. When I woke up this morning my heart didn't crack from the pain of realizing that Izzy was never coming back. Instead it ached, a slow, chronic pain that was a notch less incapacitating than the pain on this day the last three years. Beside me, Wilmer was sleeping, his bare chest moving up and down as he breathed slowly. As okay as I felt, I still felt tears pricking my eyes and unwound myself from his arms, walking over to the balcony after I pulled a robe around my body. My guitar was already out there and I picked it up, letting the notes overtake me as I absentmindedly hummed, which turned into singing.

I remember tears streamin' down your face when I said I'd never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, don't leave me here alone

But all that's dead and gone and past, tonight.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Come morning light, you and I will be safe, and, sound.

Don't you dare look out your window, darlin' everything's on fire.

The war has set and the storm keeps raging on.

Hold on to this lullaby, even when the music's gone.


Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Come morning light, you and I will be safe, and, sound.


Just close your eyes, you'll be alright.

Come morning light, you and I will be safe, and, sound.


I slowly stopped playing and heard footsteps behind me and put the guitar down as I felt Wilmer sit behind me and pull me between his legs into his chest.

"That was beautiful."

I smiled, "Thank you."

I felt his lips brush my cheek, "Are you ever going to get back into the swing of things and get back into the industry?"

I shook my head, "Probably not. I mean, I love it, but I love my kids more. I love you more. I don't want to risk jeopardizing my family again."

Wilmer sighed, "I think you're in a better place now, just to try something? You don't have to full on tour but singing made you so happy. I feel like a part of you is missing."

I tensed, "A part of me is missing. Izzy took any inclination to sing with her. I have no more music inside of me."

He pressed his lips to the back of my neck, "I don't believe that for one second. Music runs in your veins, it's the reason you're alive. The music will never be gone. You just have to find it."


The twin's fourth birthday was a blast, Wilmer and I had rented out gigantic bouncy house castles, and all of their preschool friends and out family came out for the occasion. After cake, everyone mulled around talking and chatting, until Wilmer came up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you."

I giggled and leaned back into his arms, "I love you too baby."

He kissed my shoulder, "Come with me."

Angel- A Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now