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"NO! IZZY! PLEASE BABY NO!" The door handle was locked and as I slammed my first against it I could hear her sobbing on the other side. "PLEASE IZZY! PLEASE! DON'T DO IT BABY JUST LET ME IN!"

She didn't speak. She never spoke in my nightmares. All she did was sob.




My eyes flew open and I sat up, gasping for air. I felt arms around me and I realized it was Alex. I sobbed and put my face in my hands. This wasn't the first time he'd woken me up from a nightmare.

"Are you okay?"

I lifted my head and nodded, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay." He whispered, hugging me back tightly.

"I'm sorry if I scared you baby, it was just a nightmare."

"Do you want me to sleep in here with you?"

I sighed and pushed his hair away from his face. "Sure."

We got under the covers and Alex snuggled into me. I hadn't had him sleep in my bed since he was a baby. "Mom?"


"I love you."

I kissed his hair. "I love you too Alex."


"Mommy look! Look at my cake!"

I laughed and nodded at Mia. "It's a princess castle cake! Just like you wanted. Did I do good or what?"

"I like mine more!" Alex stood in front of his own medieval-stone castle cake.

I ruffled his hair and looked over at Wilmer who had his hands on Alex's shoulders, standing behind him. "Well we've got a bunch of people to feed, so let's get started."

"Happy Birthday to you!"

Wilmer and I led the crowd of our friends and family as we sang Happy Birthday to our smiling twelve year olds. Pictures flashed and I leaned down, kissing Mia's cheek, then Alex's. I glanced at Wilmer and found he was staring at me, his eyes soft. A flash made me look away, a hint of a blush on my cheeks.

I dealt out each cake, and then I felt Wilmer's hand on my arm.

"Can I talk to you?"

I looked up, a bit startled my the intense look in his eyes. "Sure, of course."

We walked upstairs and I purposefully avoided my office, where we had last 'talked' a year ago. Instead, I walked into my music room. I kept my back to him though, and stood facing the windows.

"What do you want to talk about?" 

He touched my arm. "Demi."

I turned, and instantly took a step back at our close proximity. "What?"

Wilmer sighed. "I want to talk about a lot of things. Us included."

"There isn't an us." I whispered. "Not anymore."

"Yes, there is, and you know it."

"No." I shook my head. "What happened a year ago can't happen again."

"Why not?"

Angel- A Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now