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"We don't have to do this today Demi." Wilmer murmured, sitting across the table from me. Next to us, were our separate lawyers who had finished drawing up our divorce papers.

"Yes." I whispered, "We do."

He shook his head, "Demi, we shouldn't give this day any more hurt."

"Wilmer. We're doing this today. Sign the damn paper."

He sighed and looked down at the packet in front of him. Wilmer glanced back at me, "You're sure about this?"

I have another curt nod, "We can't keep living like this Will."

He bit his lip and nodded, hesitating again. With a sigh of annoyance I slid the papers over to me and quickly scrawled my name over the line. I flipped them back over to him.

"See? Easy." I tried not to think about the shock and pain in his eyes.

"Nothing about this is easy." He murmured, then signed above my name. Once he closed the packet we met each other's eyes and it was quiet for a second.

"Excellent. We'll have a judge in here in a few minutes to determine custody."


They left, and together we sat in silence. My fingers drummed on the table in time with the clock. Wilmer kept shifting in his seat.

"I don't want to fight you with custody." Wilmer said suddenly, "I'm just so tired of fighting."

I nearly touched his hand but thought better of it at the last second, "We don't have to fight anymore. We can live our lives and be better parents now."

"Is this better?" He shook his head, "I mean... How is this better? Growing up with divorced parents or parents who are still together? I think any psychologist would agree the latter is better."

I sighed, "Not if the parents fight and scream all the time. Not if the parents start punching holes in the walls and throwing hairdryers."

He sighed, "I'll fix the holes when I get the rest of my stuff out."

I cracked a smile, "I was thinking about framing them."

Wilmer smiled, "Funny."

We fell silent and a few minutes later a judge walked in.

"So, Wilmer Valderrama and Demi Lovato for custody rights. Have we decided on a set time and set dates?"

I slowly shook my head, "We... Uhm... We don't really know how to go about this."

The judge nodded, "Well there's overnight stays, which usually happen on weekends. So since you two clearly have a relatively amicable relationship and live in the same neighborhood  I'd say the twins stay with Ms. Lovato Sunday to Wednesday, and with Mr. Valderrama Wednesday to Saturday. But I would recommend having a family day on Saturdays just to keep things as easy as possible for the twins."

I closed my eyes, "I can't only see my kids 4 days a week."

Wilmer looked at me for a long moment, "What about every other weekend with me and free, unsupervised, visitation?"

The judge cross her arms, "In the twin's best interest, I think they would want to see their dad more than twice a month Mr. Valderrama."

He looked down, "I want them to be with their mom. I'm going to need time to adjust and get a house ready. If later down the road we revisit custody we'll do that. But as much as they need me, they need their mother more."

I closed my eyes, "Wilmer they need you just as much."

"This is what we're doing Demi. We'll make it work. We always do."

The judge sighed and signed her name on the papers then stamped them, "Okay. I understand it's their birthday today so I won't hold you any longer. Here are your copies of the documents, and you two have a good day."

I numbly took the documents from her, staring at the remains of my marriage signed away on the white paper. Wilmer did the same, his muscles tight as he stared at them. The judge walked out, and I slowly stood up.

"You're still coming over right?"

Wilmer looked up then stood as he nodded, "Wouldn't miss it."

I bit my lip and slowly walked around the table, standing in front of this, "I never wanted this for us, you know that right? It's just what's best."

He closed his eyes for a second, then nodded and opened his arms. I gracefully walked into them, wrapping my arms around his middle and pushing my face into his chest. Wilmer's arms secured around me and for a moment, it was like nothing bad ever happened to us, like we were back to normal. Then, his phone buzzed and we both didn't move, I wasn't even sure if Wilmer noticed. He just rubbed my back securely, his cheek on top of my head.

"I love you." I whispered, squeezing him a bit tighter, "Nothing will ever change that."

Wilmer kissed my hair, "I love you too."


"Happy Birthday dear Mia and Alex! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"

The twins both gleefully blew out their candles and my mom instantly yelled, "Family picture!"

I grimaced slightly and knelt down next to Alex, and Wilmer did the same. We hadn't told anyone we signed the papers, but everyone knew our marriage was coming to an end.

I feel Wilmer's hand on my lower back and we both stared into each other's eyes for a moment, the flash from my mom's camera breaking us from our trance. Quickly, I turned to face the camera but it took Wilmer one more blinding flash before he turned to look at my mom with a charming smile.

"One more!... Good! You guys all look so cute."

We ate through an entire birthday cake, the twins demolishing what was left of it. Eventually we got everything cleaned up and people started leaving the house, hugging all of us goodbye.

"See you two soon." My mom said, hugging us both then kissing the twin's forehead.

"Bye mom." I shut the door behind her and leaned against it, exhaling slowly.

"I should probably head out too." Wilmer said, and my eyes snapped open as a pang of hurt went through my heart.

"Right... I guess you should. Kids! Come say goodbye to daddy!"

Mia and Alex quickly came running into the room, and Mia climbed up into Wilmer's arms, "Daddy do you gotta leave?" She pouted.

"Yeah do you gots to?" Alex seconded, looking at the ground.

Wilmer smiled, "I'll be back guys. It's late, so bedtime is coming. I'll be back soon."

Mia buried her face into Wilmer's neck and began to sniffle, hugging her daddy as hard as she could manage. Wilmer held her for a long time, then picked up Alex and doing the same.

"Happy birthday mis angeles." He murmured, "You be good for mommy."

They both nodded and I ruffled Alex's hair, "Go brush your teeth and get ready for bed."

Once they had disappeared around the corner Wilmer opened his arms and hugged me, just the same as he did in the court office.

"I'll see you soon." He murmured, kissing my temple.

I closed my eyes and squeezed him, "I love you."

Wilmer sighed, "I love you too Demi."


So I decided that instead of discontinuing this story because of the breakup, I'd just have Dilmer play a less romantic role. Sorry, and I hope you like it!

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Twitter: @lovatic_chica


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