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Ten years. Ten years since I gave birth to the most beautiful twins on the planet, and ten years since I lost the most important person in my life.

"How are you holding up hun?"

I looked up from the salad I was supposed to be mixing and smiled at my mom. "Okay."

"Is Maya coming today?"

I gritted my teeth at the mention of Wilmer's girlfriend. I still hadn't met her, and my children's birthday party isn't where I wanted that meeting to happen. "Wilmer wouldn't bring her. Not today."

"Do you have a plan if he does?"

I inhaled sharply through my nose. "Smile pretty and try not to have a mental breakdown?"

She chuckled and patted my back. "Works every time."

"Mom?" Alex ran into the kitchen. "Can Josh and I open my new soccer ball so we can play?"

My mouth fell open, "You're not supposed to know you got a soccer ball!"

He smiled, a flash of pain at how much he looked like Wilmer. "Please?"

I sighed. "Fine. But look excited when you open it at least."

"I didn't look at any of my presents!" Mia called from the other side of the kitchen where she was helping my mom put chips into bowls.

"Well I looked at yours! You got-"

I quickly put my hand on top of Alex's mouth and kissed his head, "Say another word and let Mia open all of your presents, then I'll take them all back to the store."

He looked up at me and grinned under my hand. "Sorry mom."

I smiled and motioned towards the door, then looked back at Mia. "Baby go play outside. Nana and I can handle it."

Mia hugged me, then ran outside. I watched after the two of them fondly and sighed.

"They really are growing up. Alex stopped calling me mommy last month. I cried for like two hours after he left with Josh."

My mom chuckled and shook her head. "It's a coming of age thing. They won't call you mommy unless they want something. You did it too. I cried when all three of you stopped. Especially Maddie. She was my baby."

I smiled and shook my head, going to speak but at that moment I heard the front door open.

"Kids?" It was Wilmer.

"I'll be right back." I fixed my hair and walked into the hallway. My smile quickly dropped when I saw a dark haired, Latino woman standing at Wilmer's side. Not to mention she was drop-dead gorgeous. With legs up to her ears she had to be no older than twenty-five. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"H-Hey Dems."

I put the fake smile back on. "Hi Wilmer. This must be... Maya. Right?"

She smiled just as fakely back and stuck out her hand. "And you're clearly Demi."

My smile widened. "I didn't expect to see you here actually. Wilmer didn't tell me you were coming."

"Yes I know. It was all kind of last minute."

I glanced at Wilmer who mouthed, 'I'm sorry', and nodded. "Well come on in. I'm sure everyone is dying to meet you."

"I'm sure." She smirked, and breezed by me, leaving me with Wilmer alone.

"She's lovely." I said, putting on another fake smile for him.

Wilmer looked down. "I really wasn't going to bring her Dems. But she got home from her trip today and she just got in the car. She didn't even think about not coming. I didn't want to upset her so-"

Angel- A Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now