The Court

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A/N: I know this doesn't fit into the year by year chapters, but this is just the custody hearing for the kids.


"Mom why do I have to wear this?"

I smiled at Alex who was fiddling with his tie, and straightened it out for him. "Because we're going to a very important place today."

"Mommy I love my dress." Mia said, swaying the edges around her and smiling up at me. I squatted down and kissed her forehead.

"I'm glad you like it baby. Do you two remember what I told you for today? When someone asks you a question, you answer it with the truth okay? You answer it honestly. Okay?"

Alex frowned. "Why are we doing this? Where's Papi?"

I could feel tears starting at their innocent questions. "Today we're gonna decide if you live with me or Papi from now on."

Mia shook her head rapidly and launched herself into my arms. "I wanna live with you!"

I sighed and stroked her back, holding her tightly to my chest. "It's okay baby girl. What ever happens it's gonna be okay. I'll still see you all the time if you live with Papi."

"I don't wanna live with Papi and Maya!" Alex said, when Mia pulled away.

I pushed his hair back from his face. "Alex you love Papi. It's gonna be fine."

"Mommy I wanna live with you." He whimpered, and pushed his face into my neck.

I closed my eyes and held him tightly. "I know baby. I'm gonna try okay? I'm gonna try and fight. I'm gonna try."

"Okay." He pulled away and took Mia's hand. "I love you mommy."

I smiled tearfully, cupping his cheek and then Mia's. "I love you both. So much."

"Demi it's time to go."

I nodded at my lawyer and stood up, taking each of the twin's hands as we walked past all of the paparazzi with cameras into the court house. A social worker walked up to me.

"Mr. Valderrama's attorney has advised me not to have the children present during the hearing."

I stopped. "That bad huh?"

She smiled sympathetically. "If it helps, I'm rooting for you."

"Thank you." I smiled quickly then kissed and hugged the twins. "Okay guys, I'll see you later. It's gonna be okay."

They walked away with the social worker, and I walked towards the court room, following my lawyers with my head down so they I didn't have to look at Wilmer even though I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Case of child custody by Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama and Demetria Devonne Lovato. Mr. Valderrama is petitioning the court for full custody of their two children Mia and Alexander Valderrama." The judge read out the statement in a steady voice, and I couldn't help but look over at Wilmer. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, staring at the judge without an expression.

"Present your cases."

"Your honor." Wilmer's lawyer stepped up. "My client believes fully that he can, frankly, take better care of the children than Mrs. Lovato can. Mrs. Lovato is alone in the house with the children. She is a well-known alcoholic, drug-addict, and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder."

My heart broke in two as he continued to speak. He described every single relapse and breakdown I ever had while married to Wilmer. He ripped into the loss of Izzy, citing how I was crazed and depressed for years after her death even on my children's birthdays. Wilmer's lawyer brought up hospital records of all the times the kids got hurt, or sick. I stared numbly at Wilmer the whole time, watching him to see if there was any guilt in his expression as the lawyer told the entire court room my dirty secrets. As he told the entire court room about all the times I cried for my dead daughter. I watched as he spoke about my drug years, clearly reading from a script of Wilmer's words. He dragged me through every mud patch I had. Every speck of dirt in my life he showed the entire court room.

Then the judge asked Wilmer to stand.

"Mr. Valderrama. Do you believe Demetria Lovato is an unfit mother to your children."

I raised my head, looking at Wilmer with tearful eyes.

He didn't even flinch, or look at me.


I couldn't hold it in. A sob left me and everyone in the room except Wilmer looked at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Mrs. Lovato. If you could please stand." The judge's voice was sympathetic. I did as she said, keeping my eyes on her face. "I understand you've opted for your attorney not to bring a case forward, no evidence of a neglectful nature of Mr. Valderrama, no reasons why he should not have full custody of the children you two share. If you could explain yourself please."

I took a deep breath. "Wilmer loves his kids. I didn't want to destroy the good memories I had of him by bringing up bad ones. I don't believe there is a reason why Wilmer shouldn't have full-custody of Mia and Alex." I looked right at Wilmer. "He is the best father in the world. He loves those kids more than anything. He would do absolutely anything and everything for them. And while we were married... he was the best husband any woman could ask for." I bit my lip and looked down. "I think that without a doubt he is fit to be their father."

The room was silent and I slowly sat down. Looking at the table.

The judge sat back and nodded. "I need a period of deliberation... then I want both representatives in my office."

"Yes your honor."

My lawyer took my arm and led me out of the court room. I saw the social worker sitting on a bench with Mia and Alex and quickly ran over to them.

"Mommy!" Mia called, jumping into my arms.

"Hi baby." I cooed, sitting on the bench with her. I kissed her forehead then looked at Alex who had the same crease in his forehead I got when I was really worried. "Alex. Come here."

He walked into my arms and hugged me tightly. "What's gonna happen mommy?"

I sighed and kissed his head. "They haven't decided it yet honey. But it's gonna be okay."


I looked up at my lawyer. "Yes?"

Her face was grim. "The judge is ready."

I stood, the fear creeping back in. "Okay..."

She glanced at Alex and Mia. "She wants Mia and Alex in there for the ruling."

I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath, then nodded. "Okay. Come on you two."

We walked into the courtroom and they sat behind me with the social worker. We all stood up as the judge walked in and sat down.

"I've reviewed all of the accounts brought forward and spoken to both Mia and Alex. I have determined that as of right now their living situation will not change. I grant full-custody solely to Mrs. Demetria Devonne Lovato. This case is dismissed."

I closed my eyes, muttering a silent prayer of thanks before I turned to look at the twins. "It's okay guys. You can come home with me. Nothings going to change."

They both smiled and suddenly Wilmer appeared next to me. "Well I guess that's that."

I stood up, my eyes cutting daggers into him. "Kids go with Miss Lily."

The social worker slowly walked out with them and I turned back to Wilmer. "Wilmer. Here's how this is going to go. You will only see them on their scheduled times with you. You will only see them every other weekend when they go to your house. You are not welcome at mine." I leaned into his face. "You betrayed every aspect of our relationship. You strung me out across this court room without a second thought. You exploited our relationship, our marriage and our children. You used my relapses and the times I came to you for help against me a custody battle for our children. Wilmer..." I curled my lip up. "You hurt me in the worst possible way. You will never fix this. I hate you. I hate what you have become. You're not the man I married. This... what happened here today. This was unforgivable.


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