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My eyes opened, and I sighed heavily, dreading the day ahead of us. Wilmer laid next to me, but I knew he was up by the way his fingertips trailed lightly on my back. Things were good between us. We hadn't gotten re-married, or anything drastic, but I enjoyed the lack of pressure on us. Even media had backed off, although we never ventured out into the real world on this day because they were absolute vultures.

Last night, Wilmer and I had one of the hardest conversations we'd ever had. He wanted to tell the twins about Izzy, and as much as I wanted to keep their world pure, I knew it was time. They had to know the truth about their life.

"They'll be okay." Wilmer murmured, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I know they will." I whispered. "I just hope they don't hate me for keeping this from them. Mia is already starting to pull away. And Alex..."

"Alex is always going to be a Momma's boy Demi. You're the most important person in his life."

I pushed my face into his neck. "I hate that we have to go this. I don't even know what to say. 'Hey kids you have a sister who didn't really want to be alive because of how horrible mommy was to her'? I mean how do we even do this?"

Wilmer kissed my temple. "We do what we always do, we work through it. Our kids are smart, and they understand things. We have to make sure they don't hate Izzy, and that they don't resent us. It's going to be difficult, but we've made it this far."

"I know, I just want them to be happy. I never want what happened to me, and what happened to Izzy, to happen to them."

"It won't, nena." Wilmer rubbed my back soothingly. "We're not gonna let it."

"Okay." I whispered. "I guess we should get up now, and face it head on."

"You want to do it in the morning?"

"Of course." I swallowed hard. "I want to bring them into the woods, and then to the cemetery. I want to tell them about Luca while we're there."

Wilmer was quiet for a few moments. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I already made the mistake of not telling Izzy once before, I'm not about to make it again."

"Alright Demi, let's do it."

I groaned as I sat up and smiled at Wilmer as he wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me back down.

"Maybe we could wait just a few minutes?"

I chuckled and pressed my lips to his, running my hands through his hair as his hands moved under my shirt, pulling me closer. We made out for a while, and I felt the familiar thrill run through me like every other time Wilmer and I were close to having sex. I pushed away from him gently.

"They're probably already up."

He smiled and rubbed my thigh gently. "It's going to be okay, Dems."

"Whatever you say."


I nervously sat in front of my two children at the kitchen table. Wilmer was next to me, his hand on my thigh under the table.

"Guys, Papi and I have been waiting to tell you something until we felt you were old enough to understand it."

Alex stared at me intently while Mia simply rolled her eyes. "I'm supposed to hang out with Jessica today mom. It's my birthday can't we do this tomorrow or something?"

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