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"MOMMY!" Before my eyes were fully open I was up and running towards Alex's bedroom, where I had heard his cry coming from. "MOMMY HELP!" I burst into his room but found it empty.


"MOMMY!" It was Mia's scream this time. "MOMMY HELP ME!"

I opened the closet and ripped out the clothes but found neither of them. Letting out a sob, I ran into Mia's room.

"MOMMY!" Alex's voice was full of fear.



There was a single gunshot, and I collapsed to the ground, clutching my head as I let out a blood curdling scream.


My eyes flew open and I sat up, gasping for air and kicking the constricting blankets away. Wilmer put a hand on my back, his worry evident as I began to sob, pushing him away and standing up, running out of the room. I checked Mia's room and sighed in relieve when I saw her tiny chest moving up and down, breathing deeply as she slept soundly. Alex was in the same state, and I rubbed my face tiredly as I sat back down on the bed.

"What was it this time?" Wilmer murmured.

I glanced at him. "They were screaming, and I couldn't find them."

"Hey, c'mere." He opened his arms and I let myself curl up against his body, my head laying on his chest. "It's gonna be okay hermosa... I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to them, or you."

"I don't care about me." I whispered, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'd die a million times in a heartbeat for them."

"I know." He kissed my forehead. "But they're okay. They're breathing, and they're alive. I promise you they're gonna be fine."

I leaned my head back and looked up at him. "Promise?"

Wilmer nodded and pecked my lips. "I promise."


"When are you going to tell the twins about Izzy, Demi?"

I sighed as my mom brought up the very topic I was trying so hard to avoid. "We decided not to do it this year. It just doesn't seem right."

"Sooner or later one of those children are going to google themselves and they'll find out from some god forsaken Perez Hilton article and not from their parents and they'll want to know why. You're playing with fire here Demi."

"I know Mom." I sighed heavily. "It's just difficult. I don't want to darken their world even more. I mean, every time Mia doesn't want to leave her room I panic thinking she's downing pills in there. Alex has already started to have panic attacks... I don't want anything to make them worse."

"Sweetie you can't spend your life living in fear. You can't live like that forever."

"I'll never be able to stop being afraid." I murmured. "You don't understand it."

"I understand it more than anyone you know Demi." My mom said sharply. "You don't think I didn't wake up screaming while you were in treatment? You don't think I called Timberline Knolls at all hours of the night for them to make sure you were alive? I know what it's like to lose a child Demi. I lost you for a while and thankfully I got you back. I know what it's like to live in constant fear of your children being taken too young by their own demons. I'm telling you, you can't live like that."

I bit my lip and looked out the window at the party that was progressing outside. The twins were jumping in the pool, laughing with all of their friends. "I want to give them the best life possible. I don't want them to ever end up like Izzy. I mean... they're happy. It's their fucking birthday, how am I supposed to ruin that?"

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