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My eyes opened, and they immediately closed again. It's always the worse in the morning.


I lifted my head and smiled when I saw Alex standing there, he had crazy bed head, and looked a lot like Wilmer.

"Hi baby, what's up?"

He climbed up onto the bed and snuggled into my chest, "I think I did a bad thing."

"Oh?" I smiled and kissed his hair, Alex never did things he wasn't supposed to on purpose. Mia on the other hand, I would be more worried about. "What is this bad thing?"

He played with the hem of my shirt, "I went exploring with Josh in the woods."

I closed my eyes, knowing where this was heading, "And what did you find?"

"Who's Izzy?"

I sighed and softly stroked his cheek, looking down at his innocently confused expression, "Baby, Izzy was a very special person to Papi and I. She was someone we loved very much and she's gone now. One day, when you're older I'll tell you more about it. Papi and I will tell you and Mia everything, but for right now that's all you need to know. She was a very special person who loved you and Mia very much. Okay?" He furrowed his brow and I pressed a fingertip in between his eyes to smooth out the wrinkle there. "I don't want you to worry about it Alex. You'll find out and understand when you get older."

Alex nodded and his head fell back against my shoulder, "Mommy?"

"Mm?" I hummed, rubbing his back and scratching through his hair.

"Do you still love Papi?"

I closed my eyes, "Of course I love Papi. He's always going to be family."

"But he doesn't live here anymore."

I nodded, "But that doesn't mean we don't love each other. I'll always love Papi because he gave me you, and Mia, and he's my bestfriend."

"Papi said he loves you too."

I smiled, "And we love you and Mia, more than anything else in the entire whole wide world."

"I know mommy."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly, "You are so loved Alex. There are so many people who love you. I want you to know that honey. You can come to me for anything. Absolutely anything. Okay?"

"I know mommy."

I kissed his forehead and soon I felt him relax in my arms and his breathing evened out. I gently stroked his hair, smiling as I examined all the little changes that had occurred on him in the past year. I finally leaned in close and kissed his temple, "Happy Birthday my little prince."



Both of the twins came sprinting into the hallway as Wilmer opened the front door and called out hello.

"There you guys are! My birthday twins!"

He picked up Mia and swung her around then hugged Alex tightly.

"Mommy! Papi's here!" Mia squealed, hugging my leg.

I smiled and ruffled her hair, "I told you he would be. He'd never miss your birthday."

Wilmer straightened up and smiled at me, "Hola hermosa."

I smiled, "Hey Will."

He nodded and looked at the twins, "So, what are we eating for breakfast?"

Angel- A Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now