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"OOF!" A loud breath left me as all of the weight of Mia landed on my stomach. I sat up just in time to catch Alex before he could jump on me too. 

"I'm up I'm up!" I laughed, hugging Alex to my chest. "Happy Birthday guys!" 

Mia smiled toothily. She had a gap just like I did at her age, while Alex had Wilmer's perfectly straight teeth. "Momma when is Papi coming?" 

I swallowed hard, I hadn't had a conversation with Wilmer since the trial three months ago. Just drop offs and pick-ups. "Papi's gonna come with Maya for the party." 

Alex scowled. He didn't like Maya at all. "Does Maya have to come?" He groaned. "I don't want her to come!" 

As much as I wanted to high five him in that moment, I had to be a mom. "Alex you've got to remember your manners. Papi really likes Maya. He's going to be very happy to see you guys and I want you, both of you, to be on your best behavior." 

"Okay mommy." Alex said sweetly. 

"Well I'm not! She's a bitch!" 

I gasped and clapped my hand over Mia's mouth. "Where did you hear that word?" She mumbled something, and I took my hand away. "What?" 


I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Baby that's an adult word. You can't use that word until you're much older, and you definitely can't call Maya that." 

"Why not? She calls you that." 


Mia rolled her eyes dramatically. "I heard her talking on the phone. She said your name, and then said you were a-" 

"Got it." I shook my head. "It doesn't matter what Maya calls me. We're going to be nice to her, right? You're going to smile and be happy that Papi is coming for the day, even if he's bringing Maya." 

"Okaaay." She whined. 

"Now up!" I laughed, climbing out of bed and lifting them both down to the floor. "Go get dressed into the outfits we picked out last night! People are gonna start coming!" 


They both ran off, giggling to themselves, and I walked into my bathroom, trying to take deep breaths. It bothered me that Maya was calling me a bitch in front of my own kids. As much as I wanted to call her out and show her just how much of a bitch I could be, I knew I needed to set a good example for my kids. I shook my head, trying to get the negative thoughts out of my head, and got into the shower, the hot water pounding onto my sore muscles. I showered quickly, then put on makeup, running my fingers through my short, jet black hair. It developed a natural curl over the years, so I barely had to do anything with it. Today though, I blew it dry and used a curling iron, emulating the look I had years ago when I was in my twenties. After another glance in the mirror, I got dressed and walked downstairs. Our chef, Rozzo, was cooking waffles, the twin's favorite. 

"Here you go Miss Lovato." 

"Rozz, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Demi?" 

"Just once more, always." He gave me a wink, his eyes crinkling fondly as he saw Mia and Alex race down the stairs towards us. 

"WAFFLES!" Alex war-cried, jumping into his seat at the table. Rozzo and I laughed and he flipped a waffle onto his plate. I quickly grabbed the syrup before he could, and he looked up at me with a pout. "Aw c'mon mom." 

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