The Legend: Part II: Chapter 31 - Reunited with Navi

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Zelda's P.O.V

I had been Armani's prisoner for nearly two days. I hadn't seen the sun or heard of any word about the search for Link. It reminded me of my imprisonment in Gerudo Valley years before when Link had rescued me, accept Link wasn't here this time. Luckily I hadn't been chained, and I received food and drink, but it was still a prison. I had to find Link before Armani did. The way Link looked at me when he was possessed indicates that Link is still in there. I knew that look. Link always gave me that look whenever he was worried about me. That's why he ran. I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it soothingly. My stomach was growing in size but barely showing. I pictured the child within me as a boy. He'd look just like his father, Link. I smiled at the thought. "Our family will be together soon don't worry." I told my child. "Your Majesty?" A voice called. I looked up to see it was Mido. "Yes?" I answered. "I'm going to get you out of here." He stated as he fished out a ring of keys. I stood up as he opened the cell door. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. "Ronin would have done the same." Mido explained. I smiled at him and placed my hand on his cheek. "You're very brave Mido." I stated. Mido blushed and then gestured towards the stairs out of the dungeons. "Is there anyone else who hasn't been brainwashed by Armani yet?" I asked. "Just a few of the last batch of recruits Link trained. Armani is heading out tonight to begin his search for Link." Mido explained. "Does he have any leads?" I asked. "Yes there was an attack on Death Mountain. It appears Link has attacked the Gorons and ransacked their temple." Mido answered. "We were just in Kakariko Village. He was probably there!" I exclaimed. "Armani made the same assumption. That's why he's heading there tonight." Mido stated. "Link is far gone from Death Mountain by now. Whatever he wanted he clearly has. He won't linger there long." I stated. "Where would he go?" Mido asked. "You said he ransacked a temple during his visit to Death Mountain. He's clearly looking for something. There's only four temples within Hyrule that are of my knowledge. There's one in Death Mountain, Faron Woods,  the Gerudo Desert, and here within the Castle. He will most likely be going to one of these." I explained. "What do you suggest we do?" Mido asked. "Gather all of the recruits that are on our side. Try to join Armani's syndicate. Blend in. I will find a way to reach Link before Armani does and hopefully snap some sense into him." I explained. "Yes your majesty." Mido stated with a bow as he left me. I was within the castle again which was quite empty for the most part. I crept quietly towards my room where the chest Impa had directed to me was. I needed that Sheikah armor to blend into Armani's search party. Its the only way I can get through the castle gates without being searched and checked. I snuck into my room and opened the chest. I undressed and removed my crown and other sovereign accessories. I then slipped on the Sheikah armor. It was navy blue in solid color. The front was made of a hard breastplate which hid my feminine appearance greatly. The front piece had the mark of the Sheikah painted on in red while my hands and legs were wrapped in white bandages. My face was covered as well with the same kind of bandages to hide my identity. All except my eyes was hidden. I stowed all the pieces and weapons Impa left me in a small pouch which rested on my hip. I glanced at myself in the mirror before I left. I was near unrecognizable for the most part. Feeling accomplished with myself I snuck carefully out of the castle to the training grounds where Armani was reading his search party. "File in!" A voice commanded. I jumped in line as the party marched out past the gates and through Castle Town. We were nearing the outer walls of the town when suddenly we stopped. I peered over the heads in front of me to see the guards opening the gates, and soon we were marching forward again. We marched for a few hours until we made it to Kakarikko and camped for the night. Armani had a large tent pitched up for himself while his men had much smaller ones. I stuck to the shadows and made my way towards Death Mountain to find any clues regarding to Link. The hike up the mountain was steep and it was very hard to see the trail in the darkness of night. Suddenly at the end of the path was a small bright light. "ZELLLLDDDDAAAA!" A high pitched voice shouted. The tiny ball of light finally reached me in a matter of seconds to reveal it was Navi. The blue, little fairy was ecstatic to see me as she flew at me. "Navi! It's been so long!" I exclaimed. "I figured you'd show up sooner of later, Link was here just a few hours ago! He wasn't himself though. Something is wrong with him." Navi explained. "I know that's why I need to find him." I stated. "The Gorons managed to keep their own but it was clear Link didn't want to fight them. He just wanted the stone in the temple." Navi explained. "What stone?" I asked. "He took the spirit stone from the temple." Navi answered. "I thought those were lost long ago." I inquired. "The Gorons said it was revealed to them as they mined through the mountain. A secret room was found and there the stone was. "Those stones were from the legend of the Ocarina of Time." I recalled. "Yes that was long ago when I was just a sprite!" Navi exclaimed. "You mean you were there?" I asked. "History has a funny way of repeating itself. The generation before you, there was a princess named Zelda as well and a hero named Link. I believe your bond transcends time, and your destines are forever intertwined. "What were the stones used for?" I asked. "They were gathered to open a portal within the Temple of Time. By traveling through the portal you have the ability to travel to the future or even the past if you wanted to. All three stones must be present to open it though, and you can't get into the Temple of Time without the Ocarina of Time. The instrument is the key to opening the doors to the temple. Essentially you need all those items." Navi explained. "Where is the Ocarina of Time now?" I asked.  "We left it in the future with Princess Zelda and she sent us back in time to our own timeline. This one." Navi explained. "So Link intends to open the Temple of Time. But why?" I asked. "Probably to travel into the past or future." Navi explained. "Do you know where the other stones are kept?" I asked. "Well there's three other temples within Hyrule besides the Temple of Time. There's one in Faron Woods, Death Mountain, and Lake Hylia." Navi answered. "Wait I thought there was one in Gerudo Valley?" I inquired. "No, originally the stones were based off of the elements. Earth for Faron Woods, Fire for Death Mountain, and Water for Lake Hylia." Navi explained. "So the temple in Gerudo Valley was built after that generation?" I inquired.  "It would appear so." Navi stated. "That could buy us some time!" I realized. "What do you mean?" Navi inquired. "Armani the Prince of Termina has overtaken the Hyrulain Guard. He intends to find Link and kill him. I have to find Link before Armani does. The Prince is following Link's trail just as I am. But if we can relay the message to him about the temple in Gerudo Valley and that could be Link's next possible destination we could throw him off the trail, while we reach Link." I explained. "That's brilliant!" Navi exclaimed. 

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