Chapter one

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"You better be fucking kidding me right now," grunted Sam from down the landing.

"Don't use that language in my house else I'll be washing your mouth out with soap young man!" My mother warned in a stern tone.

"I'm 18 years old, get off my back old lady."

Here I was on a typical Monday morning, listening to the pair of them argue about pointless situations. Sam had been out partying with his so called 'friends' - not that he had any, he was one of the biggest players that had graduated from my high school, the only friends he had were unfaithful, lying man whores. He basically dug up our front lawn in his 'journey to the underworld' as he likes to call it. Now my mums not letting him go out for a month, and he also has to fill in all the holes this morning.

"I am not doing that, get a gardener. It's not like you're poor, you're not even my real mother." His face was flaming and I could hear his heavy breathing from two feet away. In all fairness, she wasn't his mother. She was mine. Sam's mother died when he was thirteen, since that day he's been emotional unstable and he cannot stand my mum, mainly because she's so bossy and straight forward, I don't think there's an ounce of love in her body.

"Don't talk to me like that you little brat. You will fill them all in before I get home from work!" She yelled.

"I'll fill them in when you're dead," He mutted under his breath once she had walked out of ears reach.

"What are you looking at?" He groaned once we met eye contact. "Want a picture, I know I'm hot and living with me is your dream."

"Oh shut up, you're so up yourself." I laughed, pushing myself off the ground and entering my bedroom.

My mum and his dad have been together for four months - don't ask how the hell we moved in so quickly, she's like a cheetah when it comes to relationships, though I don't think she's loveable at all. Maybe it's a forced relationship, I mean... I'd never date her if I was a man.

Unlike Sam, I was still in school. I'm 17 and quite mature for my age, can't say the same about other girls and boys that are around me. It's like being in the Amazon rainforest with wild animals and nit picking monkeys - then again calling those dumb freaks 'monkeys' is quite a big insult to that species. I take that back, they're like goldfish with three second memory.

"Isabel, it's time for school now." My mum shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming." I lifted my bag up off the floor, threw my hair up into a scruffy pony tail and scurried out of my room. "Are you taking me today?"

"No," a voice whispered against my ear, "I am."

I spun round on my heels, meeting Sam's bright emerald green eyes. "Why are you taking me? Firstly, you've finished school. Secondly, I'm pretty sure you'd chuck me out of the moving car."

"Just because I'm a player doesn't mean I'm dumb. I did a university course during college, I'm your new drama teacher." He smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist and squeezing me against his side, "and don't think for a second that I won't make you act sexy for me." He winked, placing me back down on the floor.

I squeezed my side, groaning in pain. "You don't know your own strength for a start, and I will believe that when I see it. You've probably slept with my whole year, I don't really think your teaching is appropriate." I don't know how he does it, but he knows how to get my heart racing. It's terrible, I'm glad he's not my brother or my step brother at the least - well, not yet - because this would be gross and so inappropriate.

"Oh come on, Izzy. You know you'll enjoy it."

"I doubt that, now if you don't mind, I'd like to get to school sometime today... maybe in ten minutes."

"Alright princess, sure thing." He smirked slyly at me, running down the stairs. "Hurry else I'm leaving without you!"


That had to be the most awkward drive to school I've ever had to encounter. Honestly, I felt like throwing myself out of the car as soon as we hit the high roads. He wouldn't shut up about how he's going to 'bang' all the girls in my drama class. He should know teachers can't do that, and he should also know that my ears are bleeding like mad. I am dreading this, and I hope he's just taking the piss about his new job.

"Izzy!" Screamed an extremely excited voice from across the road.

"Delilah!" It had been a month since I had seen her, mainly because my mum wouldn't let me out this summer as I wasn't 'immune to the many diseases that had been found in Spain' and also because school had obviously finished. This would be my last year at this hell hole - and trust me, it's not the lessons that put me off education, it's the dumb teenagers spread out around me. You'd think they'd know who Shakespeare is, right? Hell no, my whole drama class was blank faced last year when our old teacher shot it out of the bag. I knew everything and anything there was to know, I was the only person to pass last year.

"I've missed you so much, I can't believe your mum kept us apart!" She whined, lifting me off the ground and bear hugging me.

"Cant," I stuttered through the lack of air swarming inside my squished lungs, "Breathe!"

"Oh sorry, you're just so small and thin as a stick." She giggled, soon stopping and blushing. "Hi Sam." She stuttered.

"Hey Delilah," Sam smirked as he turned to face me. "Maybe I could give you some meat, if you know what I mean." He joked.

"The only thing you'll be giving me is personal space, don't you know the rules of teachers? No harassing students or being sexually active with them. Personally, you're my stepbrother, so get out my face." I groaned, pushing his chest to budge him, but he didn't move.

"Ooo, touching me now? I think that's sexual harassment Miss Green." He winked. "And no, I'm not your stepbrother. You think I'd let your mother marry my dad? Wow, news flash princess, I'd rather kill myself than witness that."

"I didn't say I disagreed with your disapproval, my mum's a heartless beast."

"Shouldn't you two be off to class?" He smirked. "Oh, and hi Delilah."

"Hi," I could see her eyes full of excitement.

"Want to come round tonight?" He winked.

"I.. I'd-"

"No she wouldn't like to, you're not banging my bestfriend."

"Then I'll just have to bang some else tonight," He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned forward. "And you know who's on my mind."

"Shut up."

"You know I'm joking, brat. I wouldn't fuck a nerd for shit." He turned on his heels. "I'll see you in drama, if you're late then you'll be spending detention with me."

His words had hit me hard, forget about the detention, he wouldn't like me because I'm a nerd? I shouldn't care, he's my stepbrother... But he's still 'Mr popular' and extremely attractive. I can resist such man whore ways, but if he wants to play this game, the we will.

I walked towards drama five minutes late, pushing the door open and staring Sam deep in the eyes. "You're late, Miss Green."

"Sorry, got caught up." I spat and he glared at me, while the class stared in shock at my new behaviour.

"Detention, Miss Green."

"My names Izzy, stop using my last name." I groaned, sitting down at the front desk and crossing my legs. I tucked my hair behind my ear and smirked.

Games on, Sam. Games on.

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