Chapter Nineteen

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Sam's eyes wondered over the man know as my dad continuously; like a predator ready to attack its prey. It hadn't accord to me that my mother never spoke of her ex-husband before. But why would she? He was an animal.

"Sam," I shoved my elbow into his side and he groaned out. I entwined my fingers with his under the table, before peering up and giving him a reassuring smile.

"I can't take this any longer," He whispered against my ear. It had been over thirty minutes now, and Sam was shifting helplessly in his seat.

"Just a while longer, and we will leave. It'll be ok." I squeezed his hand, relaxing when he let out a sigh in defeat.

"So, this is your step brother?" Gareth slurred. I nodded my head as the smell of alcohol invaded my nose. Gareth was my uncle, he had recently been divorced and to say I was shocked, would be a lie. He was an alcoholic who would sleep out at motels with girls with possible diseases. It was sickening to be involved with these people - This was why my mum never contacted my grandma once we ran away.

"He looks like a puff." He spat, letting out a chuckle. I groaned under my breath and diverted my eyes to my grandma; she was sat upstraight, her short blonde hair bobbing on her shoulders as she examined each of my friends with a disapproving grin. I could see right through her fake smile.

"So, Isabella." My dad spoke up, clearing his throat.

"It's Isabel." I snapped out.

"Isabel," He smirked knowingly. "So, Sam's your step-brother?" He let out a small laugh.

"Yes." Sam butted in.

"I was talking to my daughter." He glared him down. "Anyway, how's your mother?"

"She's perfectly fine." I smiled smugly. "She's happily engaged to Sam's dad."

"Is that so?" He frowned. "I heard that he doesn't love her." I stared at him in complete shock; is it true that he could know that? "As your look has just confirmed."

"I didn't confirm anything."

"Well then, why is it that your step-brother, and your teacher - well that's what I've heard - is holding your hand?"

"He's not." I pulled my hand away and rubbed my sweaty palm against my knee. I blanked him once my heart stopped beating so fast; he was staring at me and frowning every so often.

"He's observant." Sam growled into my ear. "If he wants to play games Izzy, you know I will too."

I turned to face him in panic. "Don't you dare try anything."

~ Sam's P.O.V ~

We had finally finished our meal, and I was thankful that Izzy ate as fast as I did. Usually, she'd play with her food and make sure nobody was watching her - insecurities as I'm told.

"This food is so delicious!" Delilah chimed. "I might have to go for seconds." Izzy chuckled at her, as much as I'm aware, Delilah only knows that Izzy hates her dad.

"You guys eat like pigs," Harry poined out. "I still have half a plate left and you've finished already."

"I was just hungry," I replied blanky. "As for Izzy and I, we're going to head off."

"Aren't you going to stay for dessert?" Delilah pouted.

"I'm tired," Izzy let out a delayed yawn. "I'm also full from this meal."

"But you have presents that need to be opened," Izzy's Grandma pointed out. "At least do it in front of us."

"But I-"

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