Chapter Eleven

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"Girl, where have you been?!" Groaned Delilah as we headed towards the school gym.

"I've been ill," I lied. How could I tell my best friend that I'm not only in love with Sam, but I was kidnapped too?

"That was my first guess. Sam's been off a lot too, the bugs obviously hit you guys." She nudged me with her elbow. "Stay away from me, sicky."

I let out a rushed laugh and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. It was my first day back and I was whining inside at the amount of pain I had endured from climbing and being harmed. I just hoped I wouldn't have Miss Trot today, the old hag makes us run miles and play like we're winning cash.

"Good morning girls."

My head snapped up to look at today's P.E teacher; I gapped and found myself sighing.

"Unfortunately, Miss Trot is ill. So I'll be taking over the lesson for today."

I placed my head in my hands and groaned under my breath. I didn't want to have Sam as my P.E teacher - It just meant I had to see girls flirting with him and him eyeing me awkwardly.

"We're going to play Volley ball for today. Get into teams of 4 and we'll start."

I stared over at him with a disappointed look on my face. I couldn't do that, I was usually great at it but I always do diving saves and that would hurt like a bitch.

"Can I sit this one out," I whispered up at him with pleading eyes. He smiled and placed his hand on my waist cautious of any girls watching.

"Sure you can," he whispered. "I'll come sit with you." He placed a kiss on the top of my forehead and proceeded to pair up the groups.

"Team four against team two first." He yelled eagerly as he strode over to me with a sheepish smile.

Boy, what have I got myself into. Every time his face lit up, I couldn't help but crack a smile too. He made me feel so much better, and though I didn't want him to teach for the sheer fact he would stare at me when I looked so groggy, I was still glad he let me sit this out.

"So, how's your first day back going?" He half smiled.

"Dreadful. People are so agitating. Sure I've been off but that doesn't mean I need hurdles of girls asking me why and also why 'Mr Hottie' has been off too." I groaned.

"Mr Hottie?" He smirked, moving closer to me.

"Apparently so," I blushed hesitantly. He was definitely that. I couldn't disagree with the girls at all, but I wished they'd stop trying to get into his pants all the time.

"Listen," he let out a rushed breath before taking my hand in his. He held it firmly behind our backs and stroked his thumb across mine. "There's a party tonight and I want you to come."

I stared up at him in awe. I hated parties but he seemed so desperate for me to come. "Why?"

"I just want to spend some time with you."

"But our parents are gone for a while. They won't be back, we could stay in together." I stared up through my lashes.

"I guess so, but this party is going to be at ours." He nibbled on his lip as if he felt guilty.

"Well you could have said!" I barked. "The house is a tip, I'll have to tidy it as soon as we get home."

He laughed eagerly and released my hand. "Ok, well lessons nearly over and I'll take you home as soon as I've got my paper work."


~ Sam's P.O.V ~

It had been an interesting day for me. I had tons of girls huddled around asking me where I'd been. I really hoped they'd leave but they wouldn't, I had eyes for only one girl now.

"Sam," Izzy mumbled.

"Yeah?" I rested my head against the bed board and smiled up at her.

"I've tidied as much as I can, but I'm tired." She groaned.

"Then take a nap," I laughed, moving aside.

She moved forward hesitantly and flopped down beside me. I laced my arms around her waist and pulled her up onto my lap. She nuzzled her head against my neck and sighed a warm breath against my skin.

"What-" she paused. "What if he comes back?"

I tightened my arms around her and kissed her head. "He doesn't know where we live, I wouldn't let him hurt you again."

After the past few days, Izzy had terrible nightmares that woke me in the night. I could hear piercing screams from her room and found myself standing over her with my hands on her shoulders. She'd throw herself at me in shock like she'd seen a ghost.

"Now about the party," I mumbled. I looked down at her limp body in my arms and smiled softly. She was fast asleep, and soon enough, so was I.

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