Chapter 32: A shock for two

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"Please tell me where we're going?!" I yelled, slapping Sam's arm repeatedly. I hated surprises and he knew that. He was currently driving the two of us to university - he had managed to convince me that it was the right choice. We were about twenty minutes from my dorm now and he threw the "I have a surprise!" at me.

"I'm not telling you!" He laughed, taking the first exit at the roundabout. "Maybe if you just shush your yapper we'll get there quicker." I glared at him as his laughter grew.

"Rude." I pointed at him. "Mr Carter, do you want to be sleeping on the coach tonight?" I stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sure my dorm friend will happily kick you out if needs be."

"Haha, very funny." He pointed back at me. Our parents had already taken my clothes and furniture to the dorm last week, apparently we wouldn't have enough room in the car for all the 'junk' I required. I know, how cheeky of them.

"Are we there yet?" I whined. "How longs left?"

"We're just round the corner, please put your blindfold on."

"But why?" I huffed, placing the piece of fabric over my eyes.

"Because it's a surprise!" He giggled, making another turning. I sat with darkness filling my surroundings, the distance noise of Sam's rushed breath invading my ears. Why was he so nervous? After another two minutes, we pulled to a stop. Sam slammed his door shut before walking slowly to my door. "Take your time." I growled. He snickered, taking my hand in his.

We began to walk up a pathway, the sound of my high heels clicking against the cobble stone. He lifted me into the air, presumably up a set of stairs. "We're here," Sam whispered. "Ready?"

"Ready!" I squealed. He untied my blindfold, spinning me away from him. I opened my eyes to the sight of our parents and a few friends.

"Surprise!" They squealed. Surprise about what?

"What's the surprise?" I questioned. I didn't understand at all.

Sam turned me back to him, he was smiling with soft eyes. "This room isn't your dorm, baby." He chuckled. "This is our home now." Our, our home? We were living together in Leicester? He had bought us a house near my university?

"Sam," I gulped. "You did this?"

"Of course, with the help of your friends and our parents. After all, who's to know what a woman wants their rooms to look like! Our parents helped pay for the interior, an early wedding present!"

"This is amazing," I cried. I jumped up into his arms, tears springing from my eyes. "I'm so glad I get to spend my time with you."

We walked through the house, the exterior beyond belief. I felt nervous, knowing what I had to do next.

I sniffled, staring up at him eagirely. "I have something to tell you too." This was the hardest thing to bring up - I was excited yet sick to my stomach.

"What is it?" Sam tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well my course is only approximately six months this term." I stuttered.

"I know, it's brilliant, we can spend so much time together when I'm not busy teaching! I took up part time, but the pay is brilliant." He smiled. "Full time after a year and a half though. Probation and all."

"Well, Sam, you're going to be-" he placed his hand over my mouth as our parents turned to us.

"Let's talk in private." He whispered, tugging at my hand. Once we were in the comfort of our new bedroom, Sam let out a hushed laugh.

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