Chapter 24: Revenge of a mad woman

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Picture of Grandpa ------------------>

I crawled out of bed that morning with a terrible headache; my pupils diluted and black splotches dotted around the room. I felt sick to my stomach as I took in my surroundings.

"Oh god," I spat out, covering my mouth with my hand. "Oh god no." I yelled.

"Isabel?" A distant voice whispered. "Sweetie what's wrong?"

I stared out into the abyss once more, looking for the mysterious figure. "Help me, please!" I cried.

In front of me lay a limp body. The figure was spiralled across the floor, it's feet near the waist of it's stomach. I dropped to my knees, tears filling my ducts. "Please be ok," I sniffled. I knew who it was in an instant; the man lay in front of me was - "Sweetie I'm here." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body, cutting my thoughts off.

I let out a piercing scream, legs kicking, arms swinging. "Wake up! Wake up Isabel!"

Wake up? "It's a dream! Open your eyes sweetie." 

After battling with myself, I finally tore open my blood shot eyes. I let out a low whimper, crying into my grandma's shirt. "He was dead," I whispered.

"It was a dream," She sighed. "We'll get him back."

As much as I wanted to believe her, I knew that he would be hurt in the process. He was strong, gosh was he strong; but my dad was powerful. I shook my head and cupped my own chin in comfort - the way he did when he was around. 

"Let's get you a nice cup of tea, some breakfast and into some clean clothes. By the time you're done, we can go for them." My grandma stroked my hair softly.

"I can't eat, I don't feel right." I blurted out, grasping my stomach. 

"Then you'll need to stay at home, while we go for him." I stared at her in disbelief. She expected me to stay out of it because I felt slightly sick? Was this woman insane?

"No. I will get my revenge on him." I snapped. "And if it's the last thing I do, then so be it."


It was the moment of attack now. There was twelve of us; Myself, Delilah, Harry, Grandma, her two body gaurds and an additional six men. We were at the front gates of a storage facility just outside of town. It was easy to find due to my dad still having a large amount of trust in grandma. He invited her to the 'ceremony'. Whatever that means.

"Now, Delilah, Harry and I will go to the left wing of the building. We'll go through the back, whereas grandma and the gaurds take the front. The six of you should pick a spot around the building that has access; that way we'll catch any attempts of a get-away." I stared them all down. "Don't slip up. When we get inside, Grandma will already be in distracting the enemy," I spat. "And we'll sneak around to find Henry and Sam."

They all nodded simultaneously. "Let's go." I trudged off towards the back, ducking below windows in hopes not to blow our cover. We climbed over the back fence after Delilah finally reaching over it - with a boost from Harry. 

"Izzy," Delilah sighed. She pulled out her inhaler and took two puffs. "Can I just, sit here for a moment." 

I sighed with sad eyes. "Sure, take your time." I was eager to get inside, but I wanted to do it with a group of prepared people; and with Delilah's asthma, it was only respectful to give her a break. 

"I'm just going to you know, let out the hose for a sprinkle." Harry held his breath. I began to laugh hysterically at him, my hand over my mouth to muffle the noise. "Hey!" 

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