Chapter Ten

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- Sam's P.O.V -

We were barely a few feet off of the ground to say the least - we could simply jump down and be stood in a puddle-like version of the outstretched sea.

"Let's jump down," Izzy gestured her hand in front of us both.

It was the most rational explanation to the naked eye. One small leap and we'd be walking on the rocky shore; but that was the biggest problem of it all - there was no way out.

"We can't," I protested. I wrapped my arm securely around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "It's a dead end."

She tilted her head up at the towering cliffs that surrounded this one area and sighed against my chest. "We can swim, or we can climb."

"I'm not putting you in that kind of danger."

"Oh like it matters. If we stay here we'll get caught - stop trying to play Mr Hero." She bit back angrily.

I couldn't blame her for the bitterness that radiated off of her, because, well, she was right. I had brought a ton of danger into her life within the past 48 hours.

"There's pointed rocks up there, we can find support in their grip."

"But Izzy," I began. "If you fall-"

"I won't. Die at the hands of a madman, or at the hands of Mother Nature." She let out a small giggle.

"Second option it is." I smiled, still unsure. "Let's go."

I refused to let her go last. She said she wanted to make sure I was safe, but I knew that if I got up and she fell, I wouldn't be able to catch her. I wouldn't forgive myself.

"Are you ok?" I yelled up at her. She didn't dare turn her head to face me - fear of heights and all.

"I'm fine," she whispered shakily and carried on climbing.

"Sam?" A deep voice yelled through the tunnel I was barely balancing on. "Where are they?! How can you lose a pair of idiotic teens!"

"Climb Izzy!" I yelled as quietly as I could. I jumped up onto the rocky ledge and began to climb at an unbelievable pace. There was no way I was going to let him get her again, and if I let him take me... Well, she'll come back.

"What's wrong?" She let out a rushed breath. "Are you ok?"

"Dean-" I breathed slowly. "He's coming."

She stared into my eyes and shook her head from side to side. "Don't stop now!" I pleaded. She pushed her body up a few more ledges and grabbed ahold of the cliff top. I watched her carefully as I heaved myself up onto the ledge below and grabbed onto the cliff alongside her. "What's wrong?"

"I can't hold on." She bit her bottom lip nervously.

"Just a few more seconds," I rushed my words and pulled myself up. I grabbed hold of her hand with a tight grip and yanked her up into my arms.

"Sam!" Dean yelled as we met eye to eye. "I'll get you and your pretty little girlfriend." He warned bitterly.

Izzy squeezed her eyes shut and cuddled her cold body against mine hoping for warmth. "Thank you," she whispered. "Really, thank you."


"Where have you been?" Questioned my - certainly annoyed - father. "It's been two days! No calls, no texts? Nothing." He paused and let out a sigh of relief. "I knew you'd come back. I'm used to this; but Izzy's mother isn't, son."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I had just walked through the door with Izzy in my arms. She had her legs wrapped around my torso and her arms encircling my neck; her eyes were shut tightly and she was breathing unsteadily in her sleep.

"Oh Izzy!" Grace yelled. Grace was Izzy's mothers name and she was storming towards us with a concerned look. "Is she ok?"

"Yes. She's sleeping right now, I'm just going to take her up to bed." I muttered before heading for the stairs.

"How could you scare me so much!" She yelled angrily. "You stupid boy!"

I ignored everything she was saying. Sure, I was sorry for what had happened, but she didn't know anything. I made it up the stairs and stepped into her room tiredly.

"Sam, we're going out." Muttered my dad from behind me. "We won't be back until Saturday. It's a wedding, and we have to fly to Peru." He shrugged and kissed Izzy on the head before patting me on the back. "Take care of her, see you in three days."

"Bye dad," I mumbled. "Have fun."

After I heard the front door close, I attempted to wake Izzy. I shook her gently for a few minutes before her eyes fluttered open. "Sam?" She yawned.

"We're home," I smiled.

"Thank god." She grinned lazily before resting her head against her pillow.

"I know you're tired, but you're dirty and your clothes really need a wash." I laughed. "And so do I."

She blushed a faint pink before diverting her eyes to the bathroom. "I'll go in now, and you go in yours too."

"Ok," I sighed tiredly." I walked briskly across the hall into my en suite and took my top off carefully; parts of clothing were stuck to my skin due to blood. I slid my jeans off and stretched my arms before turning the shower on.

I was just about to take off my boxers when I heard foot steps heading towards me. I hadn't locked the door because it was my room, so it was wide open for any eyes to see. "Sam-" Stuttered Izzy as her eyes met mine. She was walking towards me in her top and underwear.

"Yeah?" I breathed. My eyes skimmed over her body and then back to her face.

"I just- I. Do you have a spare towel?" She blushed and looked at the ground. "It's just that there's no towels in the cupboard."

"Sure," I glanced at her once more before handing her a towel. "I'll see you in a few minutes," I let out a rushed laugh.

"T-thank you." She mumbled before stumbling out of the room with flustered cheeks.

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