Chapter Eight

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I had finally came to the realisation that I was lost. I had been running for at least twenty minutes now, barefoot through the pitch black woodlands. I wasn't fully sober, but the regular branch snapping and owls tooting in the trees snapped me out of my daze; plus my feet were becoming awfully sore and my cheeks were drenched with patches of dripping mascara.

I wasn't sure what I was running from anymore, but the adrenaline surging through my body pushed me onwards. "Where am I?" I whispered to myself. The leaves around me crunched, and I let out a deep breath.

At first I hesitated to turn around, but as I stopped still the cold breeze crawled up my body and caused goosebumps to appear on my once smooth skin. I flicked my eyes from side to side in fear of a moving figure; and then it hit me. Literally.

~ Sam's P.O.V ~

I had lost Izzy awhile back, she had stumbled off into the woods and the pathways were an endless maze of choice. I looked for the sign of resembling footprints - she had taken her shoes off due to a baby blister, girls.

"Izzy?" I shouted out into the abyss. I really feared for her, I knew she wasn't safe all alone - completely defenceless out there.

I stared up at the moonlit sky and felt the raindrops splash against my face. It had been broadcasted that a storm was going to hit us and the worst place to be is the beach or out in the open. All she was wearing was a dress, and that would be a sure sign of phenomena.

"Izzy?" I whispered. I flashed my phone light on and moved towards the sounds of crunching branches and heavy footsteps. I turned the light off and moved swiftly behind a tree; in front of me stood a tall man with a large sack slung over his broad shoulders, at first I ignored what he was carrying, certain that even flinching would attract him; but then I heard a small cry coming from his direction. I couldn't see a figure beside him, or behind him, it was just a man and his bag.

I must be dreaming, or hallucinating, it's awfully cold. I decided it was safe to move forward now, and with that I crept across the open and snuck behind another tree - that is until another cry was heard. I knew now that someone was hurt, and it was coming from the sack over the guys shoulder; a small body was squirming around inside the bag.

"Let me go! Sam!" A familiar voice screamed out. Izzy? I thought to myself.

"How about you shut up." The figure growled viciously. "Sam's not one to help." He laughed, slamming her fragile body against a tree. "Don't make me hurt you."

Izzy began to whine, and the darkening colour pressing against the light shaded bag told me loud and clear that she'd been hurt. It was blood for sure, and I couldn't help but stand up.

"You heard the girl, let her go." I walked towards the figure angrily.

"Let her go? Oh no. What's big bad Sam going to do?" He laughed.

Unfortunately I knew who it was immediately. "Dean, who would have guessed."

"Your timings up, dude. I told you if I didn't get my money in time, I'd take something that belonged to you, and what a better way to do it; alone in the dark woods is never a good place for such a pretty young thing."

I snarled at him and swung my fist towards his face. His hand grasped my knuckles and crushed them in his hand. "You know I don't like it when you do that."

"Leave her alone, she hasn't done anything to hurt you or cause you trouble."

"You owe me over five grand, do you really think a worthless whore is going to be all I'm after? This is just the beginning, and she is the bait. I never come alone and I never play fair." He laughed.

Before I could react to what he had said another three figures appeared out from behind their barricades. I swung for the first, knocking him down to the floor in a punch, and the second grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the tree. I fought them off one by one, but it wasn't enough to protect myself and Izzy.

"You can hurt them all you want, but Isabel isn't going to be that pretty little face for much longer."

I fell to my knees in surrender, the three men lifted me up and walked alongside Dean and Izzy. I could hear her sniffling and trying to hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry, Izzy." I whispered just as a piece of cloth covered my nose and mouth, and the lights dimmed until I was out cold.

A/N: I know it's short and possibly rubbish, I'm sorry! I was getting a bit bored with such little drama so I needed a filler :)

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