Chapter 26: Phone tracker

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A/N: It's took me 20 days to write this, 20 days! I haven't had the inspiration. I literally don't know where this is heading, but only a few more chapters until I tie it up I suppose! After that I'll start editing the chapters. I know these are short but I promise I'll do a big one soon! I think I'm going to dedicate this chapter to a reader, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be writing anymore chapters right now - so thank you!

By the time we arrived at the room Izzy was once in, they had gone. She was gone. I could feel my heart shattering as I dropped to my knees, picking up her locket I had given her for her birthday; followed by droplets of fresh blood.

Harry placed his hand on my shoulder, sighing heavily. "He couldn't have got far," he began. "We left here twenty minutes ago to get you, we can find her."

I tucked her necklace into my pocket as I stood to my shaky feet, I felt weaker than before - my head was spinning and all I could do was balance against the wall. "I need to find her," I breathed nervously, I felt like I was hyperventilating - a nauseas feeling building up in the pit of my stomach.

"Are you ok?" Delilah spoke up, stepping towards me. I crinkled my forehead and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Forget about me, let's go," I mumbled as I stumbled forward into Henry's arms. He slung my arm over his shoulder and lifted me upright.

"You don't look so good," Henry muttered, walking towards the exit with my body practically dead-weighting him.

He pulled the knot of Delilah's ripped cardigan strands harder around my arms in hopes to stop the bleeding. They were already drenched in blood by the time we got to Izzy's grandma's car. "Why is she here?" I glanced in the drivers seat to see it empty.

"She brought us here to get you guys, but we don't know where she is now. Last time we saw her was at the start of out very fatal mission." Delilah sighed. "But Harry got the keys in case of a problem."

I let out a grunt, climbing into the passenger seat. We started off into the lanes, looking for tire tracks or any clues. "Has she got her phone?" I muttered.

"She did have, why?" Delilah peaked her head between the seats. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began flicking through the apps - iphone finder.

"I got a tracker installed in Izzy's phone in case of another emergency."

"Another?" They all stared over at me and I gulped.

"Well there was a guy I owed money to, who kidnapped us. I didn't want to lose her, so I made sure my past couldn't harm her." I activated the tracker and smiled down at my phone. She was approxiametly 10 minutes drive, heading west towards a stranded village. "They're heading towards the old village of Lincon."

~ Izzy's P.O.V ~

"Where are we going?" My dad spoke up. "This wasn't part of the plan."

"So far your plan has almost blew everything." My grandfather scowled. "Don't you dare try and take charge again."

I kept my eyes shut tightly, afraid of the consciences of opening my mouth for once. Maybe it was the way my grandfather took over, if my dad learnt everything from him, I dread how far he's capable of going.

"How's your so called princess doing?" He laughed to himself.

"You knocked her out, her face is already beginning to swell." He sighed.

The car screeched to a halt, forcing me forward until my head collided with the chair in front. I let out a groan, grasping my nose.

"Nice to see you awake, sweetie." My grandad smiled sheepishly. "Now let's get you inside."

He began walking around the car slowly, as if he was trying to stir my emotions - build fear inside of me. I groaned louder, unbuckling my belt and kicking at the door.

"Patience." He grasped onto a clump of my hair after opening the door. I felt him tug my hair, causing me to hiss towards him. "Are you going to come willingly, or do I have to drag you?"

"You think I'll come with you? You're a sick bastard." I spat. "I thought that monster beside you was bad enough, but you! You're a psychopath!"

"I guess it runs in our blood, sweetie." He grinned down at me, slinging my struggling body over his shoulder.

"You're the only psychopaths I know in this bloodline!" I yelled, slamming my fists into his back.

I turned to face the direction we were heading; in front of me sat a broken down church. Why were we heading towards it? This was not going to be good.

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