Chapter Five

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I could hear the sound of birds tweeting outside the window as the sunlight shone through the peeps of the curtains brightly. I had an unbelievable amount of pain surging through my body; my chest felt heavy and tilting my head made me want to vomit. I tried to push myself up but my arms wobbled like jello, they were too weak to move.

"Sam?" I whispered unknowingly. My throat felt tight and I could barely speak.

"Sam?" I shouted in the hopes that he was here. It must have been such an eventful night, I honestly can't remember what had happened.

After two minutes of dead silence, Sam walked in with a glass of water and paracetamol. I had never been so happy to see him. "Hey baby," he smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "How are you feeling?"

Baby? Why was he calling me baby? Not that I was bothered, it made me feel warm inside. Stop thinking like that, Izzy! "My head is hurting terribly, my stomach is churning, my body is weak and I'm losing my voice," I frowned up at him and he laughed.

"Well I've rang the school in advance and told them you can't come in today as you're ill, and I've booked a day off from the same flu."

"We have a flu?" I groaned.

"No, your drink was spiked and I've booked the day off so I can take care of you." My face reddened and I couldn't help but let out a grin. "I love your smile," he smirked. "Now, drink your water and take some paracetamol, I'll be back soon so you can have a shower or bath."

"Ok, thank you," I smiled over at him, closing may eyes for a sheer second to clear my mind.

~ Sam's P.O.V. ~

I was unable to sleep all night because of the worry clogging up my head. I thought she was seriously ill from her drink; her face was pale and shades of blue plastered her lips and cheeks, her eyes were circled with red linings and all I could hear was her uneven breathing.

After a five minutes talk to her I think it's safe to say she'll recover, it may take a few days until she's completely on her feet again but she's sure to feel a little bit better after the tablets kick in and she's had a nice hot bath.

"Izzy, your baths ready," I said, walking into the room she was in.

"I don't think I can move," she whimpered, attempting to push down on her arms to lift herself up. Her body fell all together and it was obvious to say that she was too weak to do anything. "Can you help?"

I hesitated for a second, unsure of what to do or say. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I can't do anything, let alone walk."

I gulped and reached out my arms "sure."

I scooped her up in bridal style and carried her off towards the bathroom. She was unbelievably light.

"Well you see something new everyday!" Laughed Greg.

"Be quiet, she's not feeling too well if you recall last night."

"Not my problem," huffed Greg. That boy seriously had something towards Izzy and I'm pretty sure it's more than hatred.

"Then get lost."

Greg frowned at me and headed back down the hallway. I turned to look down at Izzy, only to realise she was fast asleep in my arms; her head was resting against my chest and her calm breathing steadied my heart.

"Izzy?" I whispered against her ear. It took a few tries before she opened her eyes and stared up at me. "Bath time," I laughed.

"Oh, you can put me down now, I'll be able to do this," she smiled.

"Okay, I'll be right outside the door if you need me."

I started walking out the door when Henry was wondering past with a blank expression.

"Hey," I said with a questioning look. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that your ex is downstairs and wants to see you."


"Yep, downstairs right now."

I hadn't seen Rachel in a month and the last time we spoke was when she left to move to America.

"Sam?" Mumbled a quiet voice from the other side of the door.

"Tell her I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Alright bro,"groaned Henry.

"What's wrong, Izzy?"

"Can you come in please?" She sounded helpless.

I pushed the door open and walked in, spinning my eyes round back to the door and locking it. "What do you need?"

"Can you help me into the bath, I'm not able to climb in?" She said nervously.

I could tell from her shaky voice that this made her uncomfortable, but it was something she was willing to do in order to get clean.

"Ok," I cleared my throat and turned around. Izzy was stood next to the bath with her towel wrapped tightly around her slim body, she was clenching her fist around the ruffled up corner and diverting her eyes. "Are you sure you just don't want to wait till tomorrow?" I asked politely.

"No it's okay."

I walked towards her slowly, making sure that I was scaring her with every move. She stared up into my eyes and let go of her grip; I kept my eyes locked on hers and placed my hands on her waist. "Tell me if I hurt you, we don't want you feeling worse."

She let out a giggle and wrapped her arms around my neck, lifting her body up at the same time I did. I placed her down slowly into the lukewarm water and helped her sit beneath the bubbles. "Call me when you're done," I mumbled. I didn't know what to say, I've never been so close to her or seen her like that. I did the polite thing though, stayed looking up.

A few minutes later I came stomping down the stairs towards the kitchen. It had completely flew out of my mind that Rachel was here, so rudely I walked straight to the fridge to get a drink.

"No hi?" She laughed.

"Rachel? I completely forgot!" I blushed with embarrassment.

"So I can still make mr popular blush ay?" The smile on her face grew and I couldn't help but stare.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ive moved back for a few weeks with my grandparents."

"Well it's good to see you." I grinned.

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. My initial reaction was to push her away, but all I wanted to do was hug her until she had to go. "It's been a while."

I lifted her up into my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her eyes were sparkling and before I could reply, she placed her lips against mine.

"Maybe we should go out and do stuff for the time that I'm here," she winked at me. "I have a few ideas." Her fingers trailed down my chest as I placed her on the floor.

"I'm not sure," I frowned. "You left and moved on so fast."

"That's the past." She pushed her bottom lip over the top and pouted up at me. "Can we go on a date?"

"We'll see," I laughed as she gave me her new number.

"Text me whenever you're ready to do stuff." She winked. "I'll have to go now, bye." She kissed my cheek and strolled off towards the from door.

Why did I say 'we'll see?' That girl hurt me and Izzy is here. I'm so stupid. I walked up the stairs and back into the bathroom. "Hey."

"I'm nearly done, who was that?"

"An old friend," I mumbled.

"But old friends don't kiss..."

I stayed silent for a couple of seconds before using an excuse for the problem. "We didn't?"

"Then why is there lipstick on your face?"

"There isn't lipstick on my face."

"I know, I was just kidding," she laughed.

I hope she was because I sure as hell don't want her to know I've dated before; especially with the biggest bitch in town.

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