Chapter 34: Epilogue

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A/N - So this is it guys, the last chapter of the book. I'll probably edit it all soon, and I'm glad I've been able to finish it. I wish it didn't have to end yet but I don't want it to drag! SEQUEL?!?!?! No, yes, no?

-----------------------> Jacob on the side

- Five years later -

"No sweetie, don't do that!" I yelled calmly. Our son was four today, and after his wild party at the ball pit he was currently running around with his daddy's boxers over his head, along with my lipstick smothered across his rosy cheeks. "Come to mummy."

"No no no no!" He squealed in delight as I trudged towards him. He ran around the kitchen, grabbing hold of anything in reach. I let out a gasp as a blunt knife hit the floor, followed by a plate and plastic cup. The plate smashed at the contact, causing Jacob to skid to a halt. "Sorry mummy," he cried, stretching his arms out towards me.

I reached out to lift him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck. "It's ok sweetie," I whispered against his slightly curly locks. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I placed him on the kitchen stool, sticking his bowl of spaghetti in front of him. "Eat your tea, mummy's going to tidy up the mess." I smiled and he nodded eagerly, grasping the fork in his hand. I bent down to pick up the plate just as the front door slammed shut. I ignored it, after all, Sam was due home around now.

After I finished cleaning everything up, Jacob had finished his food and sat quietly, waiting for his bath. "Mummy," he stared up at me.

"Yes hunny? Would you like a bath now?" I kissed his forehead as I grabbed hold of his empty bowl. I placed it in the dishwasher and switched it on quickly.

"Yes yes!" He grinned, jumping down from his chair and stumbling towards the stairs. He climbed them slowly, with me following behind his every move. "Can Mr Robo have a bath?" His eyes lit up as he turned towards me, his small hands clapping together. When I nodded he turned back around, running down the hall into his room.

"Mummy's going to run you a bath," I laughed. "Don't be long!" I closed the stairgate behind us and headed towards the main bathroom. I flicked the lights on and ran the hot water before walking to my bedroom across the hall.

"Sam?" I whispered. "Are you home?" I waited a moment, until our en-suite door opened. He stood there with his hair wet and shaggy, a towel wrapped around his waist, and a smirk growing on his face.

"Like what you see, baby?" He winked. The sight made my body burn in anticipation.

"Oh shush you!" I growled. "Go and give Jacob a bath please? He's covered in my lipstick and was running around with your underwear flung over his head!" I laughed. "I need a shower."

"Maybe you should give it him, and then when he's in bed we can shower." He teased. I glared at him, his eyes avoiding contact with my own. I could hear Jacob walking down the hallway so I decided to grab hold of a small towel from the closet and head towards him.

"Mummy!" He laughed. He ran into the bathroom, pulling down his shorts and tugging his shirt over his head awkwardly. I turned off the bath taps after adding bubble bath, swishing the water around with my hand to test the temperature. He climbed up the steps we had attached for him, and jumped into the water splashing me. "Mr Robo loves the water!"

I chuckled, scrubbing his face with a flannel.


"He's lay in bed, it's your turn tonight." I laughed. "He said he wanted daddy."

"That's the fourth time this week!" Sam gasped. "Looks like he loves my stories more than yours." He winked at me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he kissed my forehead. Once he had left the room, I entered our bathroom and climbed into the shower. The lukewarm water flowed down my shoulders as I scrubbed my hair, allowing the tension in my neck to come loose.

After spending a good twenty minutes scrubbing myself clean, I slipped on a night dress and lay upon our bed with the laptop resting beside me. I had pursued a career in writing books and writing articles for a local newspaper - a job that required me to stay at home, allowing me to take care of our son whenever I needed to. He was finally starting school next week though, and I could see myself being one bored mummy.

"So," Sam mumbled as he walked through the door, turning around to lock it behind him. "We haven't done anything for almost two weeks," he sighed. "I think Mr Carter needs some loving."

I laughed sightly, "Mr Carter needs some loving? Such a great phrase." I placed the laptop on the floor and crawled across the bed. "I think I could do that." I reached my hand out, hooking my finger inside of his pyjama bottoms. He scurried forward, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. His hands pressed against my chest, pushing me back against his pillows as he undressed. Once he was done, he moved up between my legs, lifting my bum off the bed and pushing my night dress up to my armpits. I laughed as his cold hands rubbed against my sides, he tugged my clothes off and chucked them across the bedroom.

"I've missed this," he whispered against my breast. I squealed as his hands moved down to my pelvis, his finger trailing across it teasingly. This was going to be a long night.


~ Sam's P.O.V ~

Izzy's mum walked into the kitchen in search of the popcorn I was hiding in the cupboard. "Give up the popcorn!" She pointed at me.

"NEVER!" I yelled, opening the door and grasping hold of the bowl. "It's all mine! All mine!" I ran out of the room, gliding across the wooden floor in my fluffy socks that Izzy had turned pink in the wash.

"I'll get Poppy on you." She threatened. "Oh Poppy! Poppy!" In a matter of seconds, our dalmatian came scurrying into the hallway. She sniffed the air and turned to face me. "Get him!" Poppy ran at me, knocking me over and spilling the popcorn on the floor, she dug into the bowl as I got to my feet.

"Noooooo!" I sighed. "Bad Poppy!" She ignored me, jumping up to lick my face. How could I stay mad at that? Izzy walked in from the living room and gasped.

"Look at the mess!" She groaned. "Which one was it?" I pointed at her mum, while she pointed back at me. Poppy jumped up at her mum too, barking in agreement. "For goodness sake mother! You know the doctor said nothing too salty, this is salted popcorn. What have we told you about this."

I let out a laugh while I pointed at her. "Ooooo, you gunna' stand for that?" I smirked.

"It's his fault!" She yelled. "He was teasing me on purpose, he knows I love popcorn!"

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes. Jacob came trudging through the door, jumping up at me eagerly.

"Daddy daddy!" He squealed. "Grandpa is trying to get me!"

"Oh no!" I screamed. I lifted him up and ran around the house, dodging my dad as best I could while Jacob chuckled to his hearts content.

"It's time to go home sweetie!" Izzy's mum smiled at my dad. "It was nice seeing you, we'll be back in two weeks for the wedding." They gave us hugs and kisses, before heading off home.

The wedding was two weeks away, our flower girl was Delilah and Harry's little girl - they had got together at the time Izzy started university. We were so glad they decided to get together after liking each other for years, and a year later they had a baby girl called Grace. She's three, sharing the same birthday as Jacob. The Maid of honor was Delilah, along with two of Izzy's friends from university as her bridesmaids. My best man was Harry, and Jacob was our one and only page boy. It was going to be fantastic, and I couldn't wait to make Isabel Mrs Carter.

THE END ------- So guys, Sequel or no sequel, that is the question. It'll probably be about Jacob when he's grown up and Grace too. I can just imagine it now. I'm so excited.

Keep an eye on an update that'll say if there's a sequel or not in a few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!

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