Chapter 28: Violet eyes

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I was stood against the bolted door, shock stirring inside of me.

In the last 15 minutes, I had freed a demonic leader, found out my granddads not a human, and been told I'm the next demonic princess to take us into battle.

"This is just some sick prank!" I screeched.

"Believe it, my child." Angel Costila whispered. She stepped forward, grasping my shoulder tightly. She bent her knees, smiling to herself. "You are the descendant of a very powerful leader."

I shook my head, my heart racing. "Shut up!"

The angel lifted her hand, bringing it down to my cheek swiftly; before it made contact, a hand pushed forward, catching it with a loud clap. I diverted my eyes up to the figure beside me. Sam.

"Get away from her," he growled. Odd? I thought to myself.

"Where are the others?" I frowned. He lowered his gaze at me, meeting my bewildered stare. His eyes were violet pools, swirling endlessly into a soulless body. What happened to him?

I scurried back in panic. He followed each step I took before he reached me. "What's wrong?" He almost smirked.

"What have you done to him!?" I screamed over at my grandpa.

"Nothing," he frowned, as confused as I.

A deep laugh erupted inside Costila's throat, she swayed her finger from side to side and tutted. "So much hate for your grandpa." She sighed. "And for your old man."

"What have you done?" I gasped.

"If you will not become our demonic princess by choice, we will use force. And how better than to lure a pathetic human with her true love." She tightened her fist into a ball, crushing my throat in her grasp. I tried to breathe but my lungs were blocked off.

Sam stood froze in his spot. What ever possessed him laughed viciously, but the look in his violet eyes shone fear. He was scared of what was happening, and for a moment, I could have sworn I saw a tear leak from his unfamiliar eyes.

"Sam! Please!" I gasped, trying to grab ahold of the invisible force before me.

"Give in, be with me." He stepped forward, placing his hand upon my cheek. His touch was cold, unwelcoming. "We can share this world, defeat the vermin's that seek to ruin it."

"No!" I screeched, tears raining from my sore eyes. My throat was burning, as though a fire had ignited inside of me.

I clenched my fists as the sensation took control of my beaten down body. "Release!" I screamed. My voice was firm, dominant even; and for once, Angel Costila fell to her knees.

"Princess," she sighed. "You've taken control of your human."

"No!" The voice inside me yelled. "I am the human, you fool. I have been in this body for 18 years, I am Isabel, and this bright young girl is Isabel too." She moved my feet forward, cutting off my control. I was stuck in my own head.

"But Princess, you are a demon!" Angel Costila cried out. "You are not a vermin."

"You do not tell me what I am, and certainly what I am not. I'm the ruler of your pathetic realm, you will listen to me when I speak!" She moved my hand forward, a purple flame lighting at my finger tips.

"Release the boy. Release her grandpa. Release her father. Be gone with you once your deeds are done! You will be stuck in this realm for the rest of your existence, being her guardian while I am not inside her mind like usual. Because Costila?" She mocked.

"Yes, princess?"

"You are nothing more than a servant, angels don't harm others. We, human and demon, are your royalty." And just like that, the flames in my finger tips blew out as I took control of my body once again.


"Sam?" I whispered, he shuffled backwards in shock. "Sam, what's wrong?"

"Your eyes," he stuttered. "They're, they're purple!"

"Are you sure?" I laughed.

He blinked a few times, and then stared at me in confusion. "I'm sure I just..." He paused. "Never mind, I've found you now."

"What, what happened?" My dad stuttered, moving towards me. "Rose?"

I shuffled backwards, shielding Sam in sense of security. Then I remembered what the Princess had said, "release her grandpa. Release her father."

"No, I'm Isabel." I stuttered. I met Sam's glare and smiled slightly.

"That's funny, my little girls called Isabella, well will be once she's born." He chuckled.

I turned back to face him, meeting his love lit eyes. "No, mum wanted to call me Isabel." I whispered under my breath.

"Pardon?" He took a step forward, causing Sam to pull me into him. "Oh sorry, I just wanted to look closer at you, you look an awful lot like my wife." He retreated. "I guess you're just universal twins!"

"I'm sure that's possible dad," I laughed. His stare widened.


"I mean, I, what?"

Sam grasped my wrist, twirling me round until I was pressed against his firm chest. "What are you playing at? What is he doing?"

"It's a long story," I sighed.

"I have all the time in the world to hear you explain." He pressed his lips against my forehead.

"Just trust me, and when we get home I'll tell you everything." He nodded, wrapping his arm around my waist as I faced my dad.

"Dad?" My dad whispered to the figure on the floor, "is that you?"

My grandpa groaned, rubbing his head slowly. "Son?"

"Dad! I haven't seen you since I was 5, mama put your pictures all around the house."

"5?" He gasped. "What happened?"

"You left home apparently," he sighed. "Ma said you had to sort your life out. I don't remember much of what you did wrong."

"I don't either," he rubbed his head again, stepping to his feet. "and who are these people?"

"I'm Isabel and this is Sam," I smiled, trying to ignore the fact these possessed men tried to kill us multiple times.

"Nice to meet you," he laughed to himself.

"It's nice to finally meet you both too," I sighed, resting my head against Sam's chest.

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