Chapter 23: Remembering

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Penelope's P.O.V.

When I woke up, the room was pitch black. I opened my eyes and saw Adam sleeping next to me. I slowly lifted his hands off my waist and crept towards the balcony.

I carefully opened the doors and left them open. Feeling the cool breeze, I closed my eyes in content.

I was suddenly warped around and felt something lean against me. "What are you doing out here?" I heard Adam asked.

"Fresh air." I said, looking at the shining stars. When I looked more to the left, I saw a crescent of the moon missing. "It's almost the full moon." I said. Adam hummed in response.

"It's almost your birthday." Adam said. "My birthday?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off the scenery in front of me.

"On December 24. Christmas Eve."

"Christmas Eve?" What's that? I heard him sigh, "It was the day before the Moon Goddess's son was born. The day after is called Christmas, the day the son was born."

"Let's go back inside, it's getting cold." I nodded my head, Adam leading the way back into the warm room. He closed the doors behind me before leading me to the bed.

I crawled to the pillows before tucking myself under the blankets. I stayed awake the rest of the night, while Adam fell back asleep five minutes after we came back into the room.

When the sun was high in the sky, I slowly took off the blankets that kept me warm and slowly went out of the room.

When I went out of them room without waking up Adam, I realized I didn't know how to go downstairs.

I walked straight and followed the hallways. Deciding I should go back to the room, I turned around but bumped into a wall.

I stumbled backwards, but didn't fall. I looked up, and it wan't a wall. "Are you okay, Penelope?" I heard the guy ask.

"W-Who are you?" I said, taking a step backward.

"Oh. My name's Cameron."

Cameron? With a blink of an eye, I saw a wolf with a dark brown wolf and sapphire eyes like Cameron's.

Suddenly, the room began to get dizzy when I tried to remember Cameron.

I can faintly hear Cameron trying to get my attention, but my mind wanted to remember Cameron.

He's 18. A ghostly whisper said. November 13. The whisper said, getting a bit louder. Beau.

I felt sparkles around my waist, through the shirt I was wearing, but I was still lost in my own thoughts.

Adam. Alpha. Mate. Noah.

The room changed and I saw a black car chasing another car, which seemed to have me in it. The black car crashed into the Porsche.

Cameron came out of the passenger's side and helped Adam out. They were about to help me, but another car came down the road and straight for them.

I saw the hesitant in Adam's eyes but he jumped out of the way.

The Porsche hit the railing, bouncing up a little bit. 

Adam and Cameron ran towards my door, but that didn't do them any good.

Adam went to the other side and crawled through the door. I saw red and blue lights flashing, sirens blaring and an ambulance truck coming.

Adam carefully put my body down on the stretcher, my blood instantly soaking the white material. I saw a girl I recognize as Cynthia and a male I remember as Phoenix, they were running towards the stretcher and followed them into the ambulance with Adam in tow.

The ambulance drove off into the highway, leaving me at the scene.

I saw a couple more black cars, much as the ones that hit us, going to the scene. The cars stopped and people with ski masks came out.

They nodded to each other and splashed gasoline around the cars. They took a lighter and dropped it into the gas, lighting the cars on fire.

They stood there for a while, then quickly went back into their cars letting the fire eat things that were in the way.

The fire went downhill, setting the nature on fire. I watched as it went into the forest and firefighters trying to put it out.

It looked like the fire had its own mind and grew bigger, burning the firemen alive. I watched as the fire continued to spread through out the forest, burning everything.

As I watched the fire burning, something touched my shoulders. I turned around but there was no one.

When I turned around again, I was in someone's arms. I blinked and saw Adam's brown eyes staring down at me.

I saw his mouth moving, but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. I tried getting up, but Adam gently pushed me down.

I scrunched my eyebrows together, but relaxed as I felt his hands on my forehead. 

Adam's expression changed and it looked like he was yelling.

I felt cold, although I was hot. I just wanted to be under a blanket and sleep.

I looked up at Adam and saw black dots invading my vision. 

Before I knew it, I fell into a dark abyss.


Adam's P.O.V.

When I saw my mate's eyes open, I felt relief wash over me. When she began to sit up, I pushed her down gently, wanting her to be in my arms.

I saw her eyebrows knit together, and I placed my hand on her forehead. I felt her relax at my touch, but she was burning up.

"Cameron, go get the pack doctor." He looked at her worriedly, but obeyed my command. When Penelope started to close her eyes like she was about to sleep, I tried telling her not to ad fight it, but she closed her eyes.

"Cameron, hurry up!" I yelled down the hall. I heard feet thundering up the stairs and saw the pack doctor and Cameron.

"What's the matter?" He said, panting a bit. "I think she came down with a fever while she was out." I hypothesized.

"Bring her into your room, I'll bring the supplies I need to check her." I nodded my head and carried my mate into my room.

'I don't even know how she got out of our hold in the first place.' My wolf said. I looked down at my mate while speed walking down the hall. 'Me neither. I don't even think she slept.'

I finally made it to my room and opened the door. I placed her down on the silky material and placed a blanket on top of her.

Someone knocked, "Alpha." The doctor said while coming in. He went on the other side of Penelope, doing his thing.

When he looked up at me, I was expecting good news, but instead he had bad news.

"Alpha, sir.. Well, it seems like the Luna has caught some sort of fever. She'll need to be on bed rest until she is fully recovered."

I nodded my head, "What if she does get up?" I asked. He stared at his clipboard, "High chances are is that she'll get sick again."

"Do you know what happened to her?" I asked him again.

He pushed up his glasses, "Yes, she was trying to remember." I looked up at him. "Trying to remember?" I questioned.

"Yes, remember. She still hasn't remember everything. Sure, she remembers people's names, but that's all she can remember."

"Oh." I said, rubbing my thumb over her palm.

The pack doctor left and closed the door behind him, leaving me and my mate in the room.

I kissed her cheek, wishing the Moon Goddess that everything would just go back the way it was.


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