Chapter 35: Date (Part II)

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Penelope's P.O.V.

When I felt his lips on mine,  instinctively, I closed my eyes. It was a sweet, slow and short kiss. Before I knew it, Adam pulled back. 

I opened my eyes and saw Adam's eyes switching colors every now and then. "Adam?" I said, wanting to know what's happening with his wolf.

"Get away from me Penelope, I can't control my wolf." Adam said, growling. "Walk then run." He instructed me, his breaths now labored.

"Go now Penelope! Cameron is waiting somewhere." Fur was already covering his skin, fast.

I did what I was told, I walked away slowly, after hearing a growl, I ran.

I tried to look for Cameron through the trees, but I didn't see anyone, nonetheless, movements.

"Penelope!" I heard a female voice call out. I looked around, but saw no one. "Over here!" I looked to my left and saw Eve and Leanne.

I started sprinting towards them, and they met me halfway there.

I collapsed onto the floor, tired of running. "Are yo-" Charlie was cut off by a growl.

A pure black wolf was in front of us, and it growled.

Leanne and Eve went up a few steps, but the wolf, most likely Adam, ran past them and ran right into me.

I groaned and tumbled along with the wolf until we stopped.

I tried pushing him away, but his grip was firm. Adam's wolf nestled in my neck, purring. I trembled in fear, but my wolf was purring along with him.

I felt something poke my neck, and before I knew it, his wolf bit down, piercing through the flesh of my neck.

I screamed out in pain, feeling the blood drip down my neck. I felt the wolf's rough tongue wipe off the blood and continued to nestled his head in my neck.

Almost instantly, I felt a stronger bond between Adam and I.

"Adam!" Someone yelled at him. His wolf was at alert, and growled at whoever was there. "Shift back."

His wolf growled at him, daring him to command him.

"You are not Alpha yet, I am still the Alpha." Thomas said, his voice rising. The wolf growled again, but I heard his bones crack in place and he was standing in all his glory.

Ophelia came from behind Thomas to give him some clothes. "Oh dear." She said, most likely looking at me.

Sparks flew when someone touched me, and I knew it was Adam. "Please don't touch me." I said, still shaking in fear.

I sat up and scooted away from Adam. 'Ace?' I tried contacting my wolf.

'Yes, Penny?' She responded after a while. 'Where were you?' I asked.

'I was with Noah.' She said, bluntly. She shut me out after that, probably going back to Noah.

I put my head on my knees, and my mind started filling with thoughts.

"Penelope, I'm sorry. I wasn't controlling my wolf. All he was thinking was marking you." Adam said apologetically. 

'Sooner or later you are going to forgive him.' My wolf said, 'We all know you are not going to him with open arms, but you are mates. The Moon Goddess never makes a mistake.' 

The Moon Goddess made a mistake for putting someone as my mate. I thought bitterly. Adam doesn't deserve me. He deserves someone better.

I heard someone growl, "don't think that way." Adam said. "It's true." I whispered quietly.

Adam sighed and suddenly I was picked up. I lifted my head up and saw Adam, walking somewhere, I think back to the pack house.

"Put me down," I said, "I can walk myself."

Adam ignored me and continued walking. I sighed and let him carry me. Slowly, I felt my energy drain and I fell asleep in Adam's arms.


Adam's P.O.V.

Stupid wolf. I thought to myself when Penelope fell asleep in my arms. 'Hey, at least we will know when she's in trouble. You should be glad I marked her.' My wolf stated proudly.

I rolled my eyes at him, 'Now, our mate is probably more afraid of us.' 

My wolf didn't reply.

When we kissed Penelope again, my wolf lost control and took over my body. I sighed as I saw my car in view.

I told my parents I would be fine carrying my mate back to the pack house since Charlie mind linked them.

I settled Penelope in the back seat, making sure she's comfortable. I started the engine and began to drive off.

When I was driving, a wolf ran in front of my car. My reflexes kicked in and I turned sharply. The wolf looked back and looked like it was smirking at me.

The rouge ran off into the forest like it wanted me to chase it. 'Mom, dad, are you still in that place?'  I asked them.

'Yes, we are. What's wrong?' My mom replied. 'There's a rouge coming your way. I'm not sure what it's intentions are though. Just be careful.' I linked them.

'Okay. We will. Just you be careful of driving back.' My mom said. I didn't reply, knowing that they knew the answer already.

I began driving again, couple of cars passing me. It isn't as busy. I thought. Something's wrong here.

I started driving faster, but that was my mistake.

A truck came full speed in my lane, but it wasn't moving to his lane. I made my decision quick, but this time another truck appeared next to it.

My eyes widened as I tried to reverse, but it was too late. The airbags inflated, my head going backwards.

I groaned in pain, but I heard a door open. My vision became dizzy and filled with black dots.

'Help..' I tried to mind link my pack members, but was greeted with a wall. 

I tried to stay awake as long as possible, and heard people talking. "This her?"

"Yeah. Boss said."

"Ain't she pretty. Won't mind her screaming my name." I tried to growl, but was too tired to make any sound by now.

"Just do what we came for."

I heard my mate scream, but then I didn't hear the two people anymore. In fact, I heard tires screeching.

I opened my eyes again, but all I saw was trees low beneath us. "How heavy is this car?" Someone grunted.

"It's almost over the edge. Just keep pushing."

Hearing terrifying creaks of the car being uneven, wasn't what scared me. The car falling off the edge was.

''  My wolf whined, but I couldn't do anything now, I was tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

We crashed onto the forest floor, and everything seemed to be red.


Short chapter and late update. Sorry..

I've been losing ideas and motivation to write, but I'll try to update on time next week.

Hope this chapter was better than the last, see you guys next week. :)


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