Dani's December

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It'sfunny they things you remember when looking back on the times that mattered the most to you. When you find yourself in a cold bed with no one else, when you extend your hand and find nothing but a lifeless pillow, you reflect on how you got here. A few months ago you could have never convinced me that anything would ever get an upper hand on Dani. It did though, her quick impulsive temper, her addictions, everything caught up with her. And now i'm alone, and she's alone too. The only thing i have now is the memories of her, a year and a half of wonderful memories, well mostly wonderful. Looking back i realize, the path she was taking was obvious, anyone could have seen it. Why didn't I??? I spent more time with her then anyone. I was her girlfriend for christ sake, So how could i have missed all the signs? Maybe i was just too close to her, to gullible, or maybe i just didn't want to see all the signs.

With a sigh i pull out my journal. Its purple pleather exterior is familur to me. I've had it for three years but never really used it untill she came to this small college town, that was a year and a 8 months ago. I remember ever detail about her, i remember the first time i saw her, i scribble down the memories of her as fast as they fly though my mind. I don't want to miss anything about her.

I remember how this town was before Dani came to it. It was dead, lifeless, completely gray. You know how some people talk about someone who can bring a room to life when they walk through the door? This is like that, only real. When she walked though the small grocerie stores doors on that cold December night, it was like a breath of life. I could practically see her filling in the gray with color. I turn my head away from the items i was scanning towards her. Her fierce blue eyes radiate into me, she always looked at everyone directly in the eye, I look down quickly. She was with two sophomores from the college, i recognize them from campus but i was freshman and i didn't have any of the same classes as them. As she walk past i watch out of the corner of my eye. She had on black boots with skinny jeans tucked into them, leading up to a O.P. winter coat. Her hair is cut short and choppy, like it was done with dull scissors, but it looks great on her so maybe it was intentional. Her full lips have two piercings on the right side that make them look even fuller, her perfect nose has a small diamond on the left side, along with her left eyebrow. She looks perfect. Even though it might have taken her a total of five seconds to pass by me, it felt like an eternity. I pray she comes through my check out, but as usual it goes unanswered and i find my heart sinking as she check out two isles over. She walks out the door as quickly as she walked in them and i feel like running after her. I don't despite how bad i want to. And no matter how hard i try to get her off my mind, i can't, I obsess over her. I knew i needed her. I knew i really hoped she felt the same way.

Dear December,

Come soon, I still need Dani. Please.

Okay little side authors note here, please comment or some kind of feed back, thanks :)

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