Chapter Two

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"JEN. Quit Daydreaming and DO YOUR JOB." Rikki, the assistant manager shouts in my face. I can't stand him. He can't stand me. The feeling between us is mutual. With a sigh i pry my eyes of the front door of the store. I can't stand living in this town without Dani. Everywhere i go there is something that reminds me of Dani. The front door of the Grocery store that is still work at for an example, which is what i just got caught staring at, for the forth time today. But my shift is over in 15 minutes, usually that is enough to make my mood a little better, but not today.

School recently re-started, and i have a creative writing class to go to after this. I love writing, i love that class, the professor is nice and i actually have that class with a few of my friends. Well people who say they are my friends. I don't feel like the same person without Dani by my side. But the reason i now dread having to go to that class is there are only two ways to get to it. One way takes me by the room where Dani worked as a choreographer, the other takes me by the supply closet we used to escape to. My feet drag as i walk by the closet, i keep my head down trying not to look at it, trying not to think about it, but i know its there. I can feel it. By the time i walk into the class and take my seat in the back my head is filled with thoughts and memories of Dani and I. I can't help myself, i ignore my professor and pull out my journal. I need to escape into her memory.

Over the next three days i do nothing but think of her. I need to talk to her, i need to know her. On Christmas Eve i get my opprotunity. I was in a bad mood, not only had i not seen her, but i was also working on Christmas eve and the only one in the store. Everyone else had left to go to lunch, but the second i hear the door open, my spirit lifts. I could feel it, it was her. With a turn of my head i confurm what i already knew. Once she gets out of seeing distance i allow myself to smile. 12 minutes later when shes at my isle, I'm biting my lip so i don't smile. This probably wouldn't have worked except she was distracted. Some Juniors from KnOts (The College) are pestering her to come to there christmas eve party. "I don't know, sounds pretty lame." she says to them. I love her voice, she has some kind of a light accent I'm sure where, but she's from another country. That only makes me more obsessed. Suddenly i look up and she is leaning towards me. "What do you think about it?" I know i must look like a deer caught in a head light so i shrg my sholders "I dunno.." She takes a minute, staring her blue eyes into me, then leans back. "Okay we'll be there"  she says not taking her eyes of me. The boys leave, clearly not happy with the fact that i'm going to be there, but settling because they really want her to be there. They leave, then it's just me and her. She hops up on the counter, opening the bag of skittles she just bought. "So those guys are assholes right?" she ask jesturing with her head to the door. "Pretty much" i say quietly. She smiles, i love it, it's so perfect. "I'm Dani, Skittle?" she extends the bag of skittles toward me, reluctently i cup my hand and allow her to fill it with skittles. I plop a yellow one in my mouth. "I'm Jen."  i clear my throat. "So do you go to KnOts?" i ask feeling stupid "Kinda, i work there as a corioghrapher" to my confused look she adds "It's some hands on student thing." "Oh thats cool" i say feeling dumber than before. "Yep, so what about you?" "Yeah i go there" "Thats awesome, What are you going to major in?" "I'm not really sure yet, its only my first year" she laughs "Really? It's my first year too?" I can't hide the shocked look on my face. I could have sworn she was at least a Junior. "What?" She says laughing lightly with a smile that i love. "uh.. Nothing i just thought you were.... well.." "Older?," she finishs my sentence for me. "Yeah" i chuckle lightly "Nope beleive it or not, I'm only 18" "Oh wow, me too." She opens her monster, as she takes a bitg gulp she looks at me from the corner of her eye "What?" i ask after a moment. Once she finishes her gulp with a satified *ahh* she says "Your'e Shy Toots" "What makes you say that?" i ask slightly confused. "Because you are" She replies with a sly grin.

The bell rings pulling me out of my bliss. "Don't forget about the peice that is due next class!!!" The Professor shouts as we walk out the door. Damm. I had forgot all about that. I have this class again in two day and that paper has to be 2,000 words minimum. What am i going to do??? I sit at my computer for the next 36 hours, trying to think of anything to write about. The only thing i can think about is Dani. So with four hours left untill class, a panic filled chest, and a pot of coffee, i type up what i had writen in my journal. I change the names, and places so as to not make it completly obvious. Then reluctantly print it off and run to class.

Only four months untill December.

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