Chapter 11- Don't you let go Louis

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Chapter 11- Don't you let go Louis

WHAT THE SWIFT OMG 200+ VOTES ALREADY ON CHAPTER 10?!?! Wow u guys blow my mind!
The awkward situation between Selena and Louis continued.

Louis felt he did something extremely wrong. He was holding the hands of a stranger, well, an angel according to him of course. Whenever he wants to let go Selena held on tighter and mouthed him 'Don't you let go'.

Louis knew it was because Selena didn't wanna upset his grandma and so he listened.

Taylor stared at the two of them in awe.

They're so gonna get married. She thought with a smile on her face.

"Louis, don't let go of her hand. I know she's the one you'll be with for the rest of your life." Louis' grandma smiled at them.

Louis took a glance at Selena but Selena was only looking at the grandma, smiling, happy as ever.

Soon, Louis' grandma fell asleep. Taylor, Louis and Selena walked out of the hospital room, still had their hands together and closed the door.

"PHEW! That was close!" Selena felt relieved and finally let go of Louis' hand.

"Thanks." Louis said to Selena.

"For what? I just don't wanna break her heart, besides, she's sick, break a girl's heart but not a grandma's."

"She really likes you." Louis let out a small laugh.

Selena smiled. "I'll come visit whenever I have time."

"Oh, she's gonna check out tomorrow. There's no need." Louis replied.

Taylor quickly cut in, "Why don't you guys exchange numbers? So Selena can go to your house and visit!"

Selena and Louis exchanged a glance.


Taylor ran downstairs towards the laundry room and opened the washing machine.

I think it's done washing...

She took the washed coat out of the washing machine and grabbed a hanger and put it up.

Just then, a voice appeared from behind her.

"Oh my, Ms. Swift! What happened to the coat?!" The old lady screamed as she saw the black expensive coat having white weird looking patches on it.

"Huh? Isn't it suppose to look this way?" Taylor turned and looked at her with the coat in her hand.

"What did you put when you put the coat in the washing machine?!"

Taylor looked at the basket placed on top of the washing machine and pointed at the green container.

"My dear Ms. Swift it's bleach!"

"What? So it isn't supposed to look this way with the white patches??" She panicked.

"No!" The old lady exclaimed.

Oh my god. What am I gonna do now?!

It was 2 hours ago when Taylor insisted Mrs. Trent that she could wash it herself but she misplaced bleach into the washing machine and the coat had turned some parts white.

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