Chapter 27- Haylor

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Chapter 27- Haylor

Before you read this chapter, all you Haylor and Zaylor fans listen up, I wrote a Haylor fanfic and I've posted it up so please go check it out because trust me, if this story killed you, that one should literally slay you. I love you.

P.S. Zaylor scenes included.

P.P.S. Yes, this chapter's name is Haylor and I bet you're all excited now ;)


Taylor walked towards Zayn and placed out her hand, beckoning him to hand her back her phone.

"Hand it over." She said playfully, reaching out for it.

"Kiss me goodbye." Zayn smiled, sitting up straight, looking like a 5 year old who was gonna get his favourite Spider-Man action figure.

Taylor rolled her eyes but leaned in close anyway and kissed his cheek.

"Now can I have it back?" Taylor asked pointing at the phone.

"I wanted it on the lips." Zayn said, laughing a little.

"You!" Taylor shouted playfully.

"Come to your lover." Zayn started saying continuously in an Italian accent.

Taylor rolled her eyes and leaned in close.

Taylor started closing her eyes a little and could see Zayn following her actions and during that, she immediately snatched her phone from his hand and jumped away from him.

"Stealing from the wounded again?" Zayn started, feeling a little humiliated as he licked his lips.

"You seem perfectly fine." Taylor said walking in style towards the door. When she twisted the doorknob she looked back and have Zayn a smile saying, "Goodnight, the badly wounded."

Zayn smiled playfully and gave her a wave and she left the room.

She was smiling to herself the whole time when suddenly, she realized Harry was standing right in front of her.

"Good to go?" Harry gave her a fake smile, trying to hide his pain and jealousy.

Taylor nodded and they both walked to the parking lot together.

The walk was long, awkward and very very quiet.

Taylor knew Harry must've saw part of what happened in there with Zayn due to the weird behavior he's showing and Harry was just replaying the hurtful scene in his head.

After a long silence, Harry couldn't take it anymore so he started, "You need a hand?"

Taylor's knee was hurting and she was limping obviously but to her surprise she still hadn't had the time to care about the pain when she was overwhelmed by happiness in the last one hour. And of course, after she left Zayn, she could feel the pain again.

"I'm fine." Taylor replied and obviously she was not. She was still limping and walking extremely slow that explained why it was a long walk.

Reacting from his anger and jealousy from just and partly from being annoyed, he strode towards her (because Taylor had to stand far away from him because reasons) and then reached for her hands and put them around his neck.

Taylor stared at Harry wide-eyed, she had no idea what the hell he was up to and the next thing he knew was being thrown on his arms.

She squealed a little when she realized Harry was carrying her bridal style and Harry shushed her.

"I can walk." Taylor said in a stern voice while Harry carried her.

"Yeah, right. Look behind me and see how far we've 'walked' in fifteen minutes." Harry said without looking at her.

Taylor looked to her right, which was behind Harry, and saw the back door of the hospital, only a few meters away from them. She swallowed in embarrassment and tried to look somewhere else.

They've finally reached his car and Harry stared at Taylor for seconds.

She didn't know what he wanted.

Why isn't he opening the car door? she thought curiously.

He cleared his throat and looked at Taylor then at the car door yet Taylor still didn't understand him then finally, after getting tired, he finally said, "I don't have any hands."

"O-oh!" Taylor replied in embarrassment and finally opened the car door.

Harry rested her gently into the shot gun seat and closed the door. He got into the drivers seat and turned his key in the ignition, starting up the engines.

Taylor quickly pulled the seat belts on, flash backing to all the old times Harry had offered her a ride and gulped.

This won't be good.

She then said, "Ehm, seat belts, Harry."

Obviously, Harry wasn't having his seatbelt on and without even the need of looking, Taylor already knew.

Harry then unwillingly put on the seat belts yet had a smirk on his face.

She even remembered this small detail about him and he was happy.

Taylor noticed his smirk so she asked, "What?"

"Nothin." He replied without looking as her as he drove, still had that smirk on his face.

"I don't trust you." Taylor said crossing her arms as she looked out the window.

"Not like you ever did." Harry commented, his smirk disappeared.

Taylor's expression changed into some what confused. She turned her head to the side to look at him.

"What do you mean?" She shook her head a little, with a raised eyebrow.

"Just forget what I said."

"What do you mean I've never trusted you, Harry?" Taylor asked, her voice getting louder.

Harry didn't respond. He just kept his head on the road.

"If I've never trusted you I wouldn't be stupid enough to believe that you actually loved me, Harry! If I've never trusted you I wouldn't be crying my heart out for you three years ago! If I never trusted you I wouldn't have loved you in the first place!" Taylor shouted as she felt tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Suddenly, the car stopped in the middle of the quiet road with no one there except them.

Harry took a deep breath then finally looked at her. "But you don't love me anymore, am I right?"

Taylor's frown disappear and her eyes soften. Then in her smallest voice she breathed out, "I do."


Oh my LORDE! This was such a Haylor chapter I can't even wtf IM CRYINGGSHSHSKSBXKAJXXB!!!!!

Please vote, comment, follow me and share to everyone you know for more epic scenes like dis.

Also, check out my new Haylor fic called sparks on my acc now! So you can also read two fics while u wait for the other ;)

Written by,
Mandy C ❤️

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