Chapter 14- Amusing, isn't it?

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Chapter 14- Amusing, isn't it?

(Also last chapter I forgot to thank you guys for 2k reads)

Goddamn, Harry. He just has to ruin everything for me does he? If he isn't my mom's son I would've immediately confessed to Taylor already. Why do I even care about someone who doesn't even care about me? Is competition what he wants?

Fine, I'll give it to him.

Zayn noticed Taylor approaching his car, smiling. She got into the car while letting go a deep breath and glanced at the clock for a moment.

"It's 8.48, we'll never make it in time." Taylor said shooting Zayn a glance.

"Yeah, you're right. But unless I drive faster." Zayn smirked as he reached for the steering wheel.

Taylor quickly landed her hand on his and said, "I don't wanna get a speeding ticket."

Zayn rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. So what, you want to go home now?"

"Eh... NO." Taylor said and Zayn laughed a little at the way she said it.

"Then where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Taylor's voice softened.

Just then Zayn came up with a place. A place he had never brought anyone to, not even Lauren, since he found it after tragedy struck.

Zayn didn't know why and how someone he met for less than a month could be able to let him trust her so much.

Yet he knew she didn't trust him as much to tell him about Harry or Lauren. That part saddened him.

But he was determined to make Taylor and him something more than friends.

But to do that, first he'd had to make her trust him. Trust him enough to tell him the truth about Harry and Lauren.

Was he patient enough?

Oh, he was, alright.

Zayn smirked at the look on Taylor's face when Taylor curiously looked out of the window at where they were going.

"I see someone's excited." Zayn smirked a little, paying attention at the road.

"No I'm just scared, who knew you might kidnap me or take me to a reptile store or feed me insects." Taylor added as she looked at Zayn with the corner of her eyes.

Zayn laughed. "Do I look like the kind of guy who does that?"

Taylor gave him an agreeing smile while nodding her head slowly and continuously.

"Cmon, really?!" Zayn smiled as he hit the steering wheel a little with his right hand.

"Yep." Taylor joked as she continued laughing at Zayn's face.

Taylor didn't even know why she felt so happy with Zayn. So happy that she had forgotten about what happened a while ago with Harry, so happy that she didn't understand why she would hurt herself for Harry.

They have soon pulled over at the side of the highway.

"W-why are we stopping here?" Taylor asked as she sees Zayn unbuckle the seat belt.

Zayn kept quiet with the same smirk on his face.

"Are we even allowed to stop here?" Taylor questioned, trying to gain some other reaction from Zayn. "Your car will be towed."

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