Chapter 20- Just One Day

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Chapter 20- Just One Day

Taylor woke up when she felt a small tap on her nose. She groaned and turned to the left, annoyed.

Then she heard a laugh.


It sounded so familiar, not trying to believe, she opened her eyes and was welcomed by a pair of green eyes and a dimply smile.

Last night wasn't a dream.

Shit, we really kissed.

F*ck he slept over.

And no nothing happened.

Taylor jumped up from her bed, in return making Harry follow her actions.

He slept on her bed. With her. For the night.

What in the world happened last night?


They finally pulled away from their heated moment and they stared at each other's eyes.

Taylor's vision was a bit blurry but she could still see his green eyes clearly.

Harry tried looking for emotions from Taylor's eyes, trying to predict whether she was angry or not, but he couldn't, since he was never the one who noticed her as much since the beginning, not until now.

Harry gulped, "I'm sorry."

Harry Styles was saying sorry for kissing her?

That was rare.

Taylor smiled shyly at him and then started walking to the kitchen, towards the fridge and Harry followed.

She opened it and grabbed out two cans of beer and raised them up so that Harry can see.

"Want beer?"

"Sure." Harry said and took one from Taylor.

Their fingers brushed a little, but the feelings Harry felt from her was lack of something... A spark.

Which well, never happened before cause he never liked her before.

But it was different now.

Yet it still lacked the spark.

They both crashed on the couch, drinking. Can after can.

Harry has never seen Taylor drink this much in his entire life, especially willingly. But as long as he could spend time with her, he didn't care how much cans he had to drink.

But he didn't, he was afraid he was too drunk to remember the moment, so he grabbed on to the same can throughout the night, while Taylor switched cans throughout the night, finishing each one.

Taylor too, grabbed the notebook on her side table and added a page.

Zayn broke my heart. She wrote.

They talked about life when they separated, had pillow fights, puked, threw cans into the garbage bin for sport and stared at each other awkwardly.

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