Chapter 1

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Beep, beep.

Morning again I thought when I woke up. I turned my alarm off and headed to my ensuite. I'm not poor but I'm also not stuck up. I was a cheerleader at my old school and I thought the girls were my friends but apparently they weren't. My mom died when I was a new born from an aneurism and then my dad died on the job a few years later. My father was a detective a very good one. He was on a case when he jumped in front of a young prostitute to save her life but his life was taken that night. I was 4 when this happened so I don't remember him very well. I remember he use to sing to me when I was in bed. I would fall asleep listening to his deep melody voice.

"Harper, you're going to be late" my brother Ryker yelled from downstairs.

I live with my two big brothers Casper who's a cop and Ryker who's a lawyer. Ryker is the oldest so he took over looking after me and Casper when dad died. Ryker is 30 years old and Casper is 25 years old. Ryker was only 18 when dad died so the family courts gave my brother Ryker custody. He moved us to New Haven, Connecticut where he attended Yale. He studied law and now he's a qualified lawyer. We moved to Manhattan, New York about 4 years ago. Ryker sent me to a private school which I thought was a great school. At the end it nearly killed me and I also realised how fake people can be.

I ran down the stairs after looking into the mirror. I wasn't ugly far from it, I'm not vein so don't think that, I know I'm pretty, all my life I've been called beautiful, cute and pretty.

I should tell you my name well it's Harper Raimúndez. I took after my mom with long straight dark brown hair, large bright jade coloured slightly slanted almond shaped eyes with thick long black eyelashes surrounding them. I have high cheek bones, thick bow lips and a small up turned nose. My skin has a exotic natural tan to it. I am about 5 foot 4 height which is short compared to my brothers who are over 6 foot tall each. I have nice curves and I have to say I have a very nice ass. Everyone gets jealous of my looks. I always have girls spreading rumours that I'm fake. My perfect B cup size breasts and my nice hour glass figure can't be natural, they would spread. I've never had work done like the other girls but everyone still thinks I'm fake.

I sat down at the breakfast bench and my brother places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. "You ready for school chicken?" Ryker asked while he leaned on the bench in front of me and giving me a sad smile and using my nickname that dad gave me. It was my first day at a new school.

My brother is handsome I have to say. Both of them are good looking. They both keep themselves in shape. They both have black hair unlike me and the same skin tone as mine but Ryker is a little lighter. They both have our fathers eyes which are a deep brown. They have strong jaw lines with a nice straight nose, well Ryker has but Casper has broken his in fights growing up. They have muscular bodies and can fight better than anyone I know.

"I think so" I answered after swallowing a peice of bacon.

"You'll be fine chicken just remember you're smart" Ryker said looking into my eyes so that I take in his words.

I nodded my head then answered "I know"

"It's your last year, I'm so proud of you chicken" he said while standing up straight and brushing under his eyes. He's so dramatic sometimes but I love him. I giggled at his drama.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere" I said giving him a big grin. He turned to me and gave me a shock look "what?" I asked with confusion.

"You shitting me aren't you" he said still making me confused "I'm stuck with you even after you graduate, oh man" he said looking away while placing his head into his hands.

"What?" I was so confused, what is he saying. I crossed my arms and gave him a death glare.

"Ah got you I would never want you to leave me my beautiful little girl" he said smiling then it slipped. "Hey Harper I'm kidding I'm sorry chicken I didn't mean it" I still didn't put a smile on my face. "Harper" his voice raised.

"Ah, got you big brother" I said laughing my head off.

"You little, I'll get you back for that chicken" He pointed an angry finger at me.

"I can't wait Ryker" I said poking my tongue at him. We've always played this game and I'm one up on him.  

"Come on you'll be late" he said giving me another hug "I am so proud of you and Casper is too"

"I know, where is he?" I asked looking up at Ryker.

"They wanted him to start early instead" he said with a sad smile. "He'll pick you up though"

"Ok" I smiled before leaving to get my bag.

I was wearing a dark blue baggy jeans with a black hoodie over top of a black sleeveless shirt. I had on a pair of black converses, my hair was in a messy bun and no make up on which I've never had to wear. Thinking about that made me freeze for a second, to try to remove the images that flashed through my head. The clothes that I'm wearing now is far from what I use to wear.

I jumped into the car and we were off to my new school. I was on edge through the entire ride. I've never been nervous before..., I shake my head internally to get rid of the horrible memories. I need to focus on my future now and stay away from people that would hurt me again.

We pulled up to the school and my nerves got worse. "Ready?" Ryker asked which startled me. "Sorry chicken didn't mean to scare you"

"It's alright just nerves" I said looking at him then back at the school with teenagers hanging around.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah I will be fine" I said then took a deep breath before we got out.

We walked up the pathway towards the school. I kept my head down all the way and I could see that Ryker saw but he didn't say anything. We headed to the office. I could feel other eyes on me while we walked to the office.

"Hi," a young women said seductively looking at my brother. Ew.

"Hi" my brother said giving her a smirk, such a flirt "my sister is new here and we just want to grab her schedule, please" he said looking into her eyes. The woman started to swoon over him. My brother doesn't date but he does have flings. Casper is no better.

"Here" she handed my brother my schedule and when he grabbed it his hand touched hers and she bit her lip. I've never seen my brother picking up before but he doesn't do much does he, they just fall at his feet with a single smile. I shake my head while he hands my schedule to me without taking his eyes off the woman. The woman was pretty with long blonde hair that was wavy. Her eyes were a deep blue and they were surrounded by black lashes. She has light make up on and she has a beauty spot below her left eye. She wasn't fat but not too skinny.

"Thanks for the help" he said then leaned over to whisper in her ear something. She bit her lip then blushed before writing something on a sticky note and handing it to him. Did he just get her number? I thought while my brother gave her another smirk then turned to me. "Come"

"Ok" I followed him out then said "I can't believe you got her number" I was so shocked.

"What? She wanted to" he said looking at me with a smirk.

"Wow, my brother the player"

"Yep" he didn't even deny it.

"Hi" I jumped when someone came up behind me. "Oh sorry"


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