Chapter 9

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The weekend went by quickly. Friday night we slept over at Jamie's it was so much fun. We watched romantic movies all night it was wonderful. We cried, laughed and gushed over the movies.

So now it's Sunday night. Carly and I were in the kitchen making dinner. We were doing Mexican tonight. It was easy for us. No knives were required, my brothers didn't trust us with them. Come on we're 16 and 17 years old what would we do with the knives, throw them at each other. They're so paranoid sometimes. We called the boys to the table and they came running like dogs. Ha, that's a funny analogy. We ate, then cleaned up and watched some tv before bed.

The next morning was Monday. We have biology first up after home room. Ashton wasn't at school this morning so I had a lot of trouble with my locker. Lucky Chase was here, he banged on it so it would open. Yep I have to say my locker only like dumb asses. I shook my head internally. I saw Katie blush every time he came over to us, oh my god she likes Chase. I need to keep an eye on this and I also need to find out more about Chase. I could ask Ashton but I need to keep a distance from him and going to Simon and Dylan is out of the question too.

Halfway during English Ashton turned up and sat next to Simon who was asleep. On the way to his seat we locked eyes and he smirked at me. I mouthed 'where were you?' and he just smirked wider. After English class I was walking to my locker for lunch when I was pulled into a empty classroom. I couldn't scream out because they placed their hand over my mouth to stop me. I knew who it was after my heart rate calmed down from just the feeling I was feeling from his touch and his smell, Ashton.

He had my back pressed up against his front with one arm wrapping around my right arm and midsection. The other he pulled away from my mouth and moved it to wrap around me as well. My head didn't even come to his chin, wow I'm short, I thought. I could feel his muscles through his shirt. They felt amazing and the tingles that shot through me was turning into fireballs in the pit of my stomach. It felt so amazing, I've never felt like this before.

I felt him bending down so he could whisper into my ear "missed me" he slowly said then nipped my earlobe which made me moan "kitten" the fireballs that were building up in my stomach just exploded. I turned around real quick and crashed my lips to his while pulling him by his shirt. He lifted me and placed me on the desk behind me. We made out for about five minutes before we finally pulled away for air leaning our foreheads together. We were both breathing heavy, my eyes were still shut and after awhile I snapped them open.

What did I just do? I yelled at myself internally. I pulled out of his grasp reluctantly and placed my hand over my mouth, my eyes were wide open in shock. I can't believe I just done that, I shook my head then hop of the desk and started for the door. He grabbed my hand to pull me back but I pulled my hand free. I turned to him and said "that didn't happen" and I walked out after grabbing my stuff that I dropped.

I headed to my locker there was no one around except the girls. They saw my face and immediately asked if I was ok. I have to tell them what happened. So we went outside after grabbing some lunch which Carly paid for mine because of my dumb ass locker wouldn't open.

"Ashton and I made out" I blurted out as soon as we were sitting under a tree. I placed my head in my hands embarrassed.

"Oh my god" Jamie said slowly in shock.

"Wow" Katie said shocked too.

"I knew it" Carly yelled jumping in her spot.

"What do you mean, you knew it?" I asked looking up at her.

"Come on he's interested in you Harper" she said throwing her hands up in the air with exaggeration.

"He is not" I fought back. "And didn't you say to stay away from him"

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