Chapter 13

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The next day wasn't nice, I woke at about 3 in the morning, with pain in my stomach. Great, my damn period is here early. I groaned and headed downstairs for medication. I grabbed some painkillers before going back to bed. It took me until 5 to fall asleep. My alarm went off, I turned it off then went back to sleep.

"Harper" I heard before my door opened. "We're going to be late" Carly said before shaking me awake. I groaned and grabbed my stomach. "Oh, time of the month" I nodded and she left.

Next thing Ryker and Carly came in together, he said "Hey, you're not going to school today sweetie"

"Ok" I groaned out before falling back to sleep.

Everyone left to go to work and school. I actually didn't care that I was alone. I slept most of the morning. I got up at lunch time and grabbed something to eat, well tried to get something to eat but there wasn't anything. As I shut the fridge door the door bell rang. I headed to the door and opened it. Standing there was Ashton. He looked over me and gave me a smirk and I could see laughter in his eyes. Just then I realised why he was looking at me like that. I looked down and noticed I was still in my pyjamas which was a Elmo long pants and a button up long sleeve top and also Elmo slippers. I shrugged and let him in. I didn't give a shit how I looked, my hair was probably sticking up everywhere and I probably looked like hell. I just don't care at the moment.

"You look like shit" he said following me in.

"That's what happens when you're sick" I sarcastically said back at him.

"Wow, someone's moody" I turned to him and gave him a 'what the hell look?' And crossed my arms over my chest in an angry pose.

"If you're going to be like that then leave" I said angrily at him.

"Kitten I'm sorry ok" he said while placing one hand up in surrender the other was behind his back hiding something. "I have pizza" he held out to me with a unsure smile, I smiled and grabbed it. I sat on the couch in the living room and dugged in. "So have you got the flu or something?" He asked me.

"No" I said with my mouth full, I know such a lady.

"Then what?"

I laughed before saying "you don't want to know"

"Well after what you said to me before it sounds like you have your girly things or something" he said casually.

"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner" I said sarcastically.

He laughed and I gave him a glare, he stopped and said nothing. I finished the pizza before going to get a glass of water for me and him. I sat back down next to Ashton. "Don't you have to head back?" I asked him.

"I'm not going back" he answered me while looking at the TV.

"What, why not?" I asked surprised.

"I just don't want to"

"Ashton you need to go back"

"I want to look after you kitten" he looked at me when he said that.

"I'm fine, I get it every month, I'm use to it" I said holding his hand.

"Yeah I know" he said playing with my hand. He looked into my eyes and I could see something in them like I miss you.

"You missed me, didn't you" I said leaning into him with a smile.

"What? No" he lied.

"Liar" I said smiling then I kissed him. He pulled me onto his lap and we made out. My hands went into his hair and his were on my thighs. Then his hands slipped under my top and up. I shivered under his hands, it felt great. I pulled away when one of his hands brushed one of my nipples. "Don't" I said looking away and moving off him.

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