Chapter 19

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Back to Harper's POV

I was in a meadow and it was beautiful. There was wild flowers everywhere. I was in peace, I saw a light in the distance then I saw a women and man walking through it. I recognised them, they were my parents. They smiled at me and I smiled back. "It's not your time chicken" my dad said.

"I miss you" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Sweetheart wake up you have a long life ahead of you with an amazing guy, wake up to live" my mum said and kissed me on my head. I closed my eyes feeling at peace.

"Go chicken it's time to wake up, we love you" my dad said then they disappeared.

I finally woke, there was something in my mouth and I knew it was a tube. I tried to speak but nothing.

"Harper" Ryker that was Ryker I'm sure of it. "Nurse" he yelled then a nurse was beside me.

"I'm going to pull the tube out" she said and I nodded "cough while I pull it out" I coughed and the tube came out smoothly.

Ryker gave me a drink of water to soothe my throat. "Ryker" I said looking at him.

"Hey chicken" he said with tears in his eyes which looked tired.

"How long?" I asked him.

"About 2 weeks" he answered, less than last time.

"Cameron" I sobbed out.

"You're safe now, he's dead Casper shot him"

"Really. Cameron shot his father"

"He's dead" Ryker said.

"He tried to save me" I said then burst out crying. "Where's Ashton?"

"He's just down the hall" Ryker answered then the doctor walked in.

"You're a lucky girl" the doctor said then. He checked me over. He then left and in walked Casper.

"Chicken you're awake" he said with a huge smile.

"Casper" I said then. "What happened to Ashton?" I asked

"He was shot" Casper said then explained what happened. Poor Ashton.

After about an hour my friends and the boys turned up. We chatted and then Ashton came in. He walked slowly towards me while everyone said their goodbyes to leave us alone. He kissed me then sat beside me.

"Oh Ashton this is my fault" I said looking him over.

"Don't blame yourself kitten I would die for you" he said taking my hand in his.

"Ashton I...I don't deserve you" I said while crying.

"Baby you do deserve me, you deserve the world and I'm going to give you that" he said looking into my eyes with so much emotions that I started to cry. I really didn't deserve him.

"I love you Ashton" I whispered while looking down. I looked up when he didn't answer, my eyes widen when I saw him hanging over top of me with a huge smile.

"I love you too kitten, I've been in love with you from the first day I met you. You have been on my mind ever since that day" he said with so much emotion in every word. I started to cry again, he loves me. I've never felt so happy in my life. He kissed me hard until there was a throat cleared. I laughed as Ashton growled at the interruption.

He pulled away to reveal his parents standing there with smiles on their faces. "I'm so glad that both of you are better" Walter announced.

"Thank you" I said to him with a smile and tears still fell down my cheeks.

I was so happy now that I know how much Ashton loves me he is everything to me. I told my brothers, Ashton and everyone else about my encounter with my parents. They told me that it wasn't my time that I had a long life ahead of me so wake up. They all looked at me like I was crazy but then Casper started to laugh. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy now.

"That sounded like mum and dad" he said then Ryker nodded and laughed. I relaxed after that, I wasn't going crazy.

After they left and Ashton was forced to go back to his room I fell asleep, instead of the nightmares I use to have, in place was beautiful dreams of my parents being together. They were together and I was happy for them.

A week after I was found Cameron and his fathers funeral was held. Mrs Hanson visited me while I was in hospital with her daughter. We found out along with her that Cameron use to rape his own sister. She done a funeral for both husband and son together. So many people turned up for it. Most of them were for Damian. My brother went including our friends to help support Mrs Hanson. She said she loves her son because she's his mother but she doesn't love him for what he has done. She said he was such a sweetie growing up. She said sorry for her sons actions and that she will pray everyday for me.

Over the next few days I was taken for tests after tests. I found out that I was pregnant but lost it. They said it was Ashton's baby, they knew this from how the foetus looked. They said I was around five weeks. I cried in Ashton's arms over the loss I know I'm young but knowing that bastard killed my unborn baby just made me so upset. The other reason I cried was the fact that I might not be able to have a baby anymore from the damage I received internally. Ashton said he would never leave me over it.

I left the hospital just before the singing competition. The night was so much fun and we won. I was the lead singer Ashton was for the boys. Ashton was released after the second week and I was out after four weeks with Ashton by myself it made me stronger. I healed faster and now I'm at home.

Our exams were nearing and I was freaking out. Ashton tried to calm me by taking me on romantic dates and a very romantic evening together. Casper announced he has met someone. So tonight we were meeting her. The door bell rang and Casper ran to it before we could. Ashton joined us for dinner.

"Hey Danielle" we heard from the foyer. It went quiet for awhile and then we heard them coming. They came through the opening. She was pretty, with blonde hair that was straight and half way down the back. She was probably 5'8 and was skinny but not too skinny. "Guys this is Danielle, Danielle this is Ryker" he said pointing to Ryker "Harper and her boyfriend Ashton" we shook hands before sitting for dinner.

"So what do you do for work?" Ryker asked her.

"I'm a nurse" she answered.

"A nurse, that's a very good job"

"That's where I've seen you before" I said waging my pointed finger at her.

Casper blushed before answering "yes Harper she was one of your nurses that's how I met her"

I laughed then said "that's so sweet"

"Thanks" Danielle said with a blush.

The night was fun. We laughed about random stuff and Danielle was very sweet. I could see how much Casper liked her. He was so smitten with her which is perfect for him.

Our exams went well and I got into Yale just like Ashton.


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