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Hi my name is Charlotte

This is my first story and i am extremely nervous because i have never done anything like this before, i hope that you enjoy this and if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it because it will just put me down and i won't try as hard to write.


My heart physically hurt "I don't know what you want from me" I whimpered and took another step back but he closed the space

"I want you to understand that you are not going anywhere, I am not leaving you and you're mine" his voice sent shivers down my spine but I fought against it

My sob came out as a painful wheeze and my body hunched forward in the lack of energy so much so that I nearly leaned against him

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry baby, just trust me"  


Riley Jackson has had a hard life, from her alcoholic father who she is terrified of and who beats her to the horrible bully's at school who have caused her to become anorexic: with a little help from her so called dad of course.

Riley started to give up, she couldn't take the constant names and insults that were thrown her way; they just hurt too much, when one day Riley's life changed forever, that was the day that Xander Bow walked into her life and picked her up off the floor when no one else was willing too.

After Riley bumps into Xander in the hallway and runs away out of fear, he starts to notice this fragile girl and he watches how she is bullied, doesn't eat and is always in clothes that look to big for her.

But it wasn't that simple because being seen with Xander Bow was never good, especially when he is the apart of the most famous gang in the country. And is considered the scariest and most dangerous out of all of them even the leader himself. 

And lets not forget about his 6 brothers who always seem to make everyone quiver in their shoes out of fear 

Watch while Riley steps in Xanders world and see's why everyone stays away from him and his 6 gorgeous brothers

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