The break in

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When I got home I stood in the silence of my home just taking it in, I didn't even know where to start, it was too early to start his dinner and I hadn't been in school for the last 3 days and therefore I hadn't gotten any homework so there really was nothing I could do.

I sighed and walked into the living room, suddenly hit with the stench of beer and BO. I covered my mouth and nose with the sleeve of my jumper and immediately went to the kitchen to get the cleaning supplies.

I cleaned until my back ached and the living room was spotless, I took a minute to sit on the beaten-up couch but I was soon on my feet as the door slammed open. My eyes darted to the clock on the wall and I cursed myself in my head as I saw what time it was. How could I have been so careless?

My father marched through the hall, his footsteps so loud and into the kitchen but I was surprised to see that he wasn't alone. A tall, stunning dark haired woman followed behind him, she had on a very expensive looking dress and she was clinging to my, for once sober, father.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me and the lady scrunched her nose up and took a scan of the room she had just entered "this place is so clean, is she the maid?" she asked. I went to correct her with a polite smile but I was interrupted by my father "yes, she is and she is just about to start dinner, aren't you?" he directed the last bit towards me and I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of hurt as I teared up, I was now degraded to the maid of the house, my eyes drifted to my shoes but I nodded my head and turned to the kitchen to get started.

As I continued to create dinner I couldn't stop thinking about how I had now gone from being his only daughter that he once cherished and loved with all his heart, to his maid, I didn't understand why he hated me so much, actually, I did understand, I was the reason for his wife's death, how could he not hate me?

The women's laughs carried out through the entire house and I couldn't help but think of my mum and when she would be the life that travelled through our warm home but this woman was different, everything about her seemed fake somehow, if thinks were going to progress between her and my father I know for sure that she wouldn't be anything like my mother.

Once dinner was done I called my father and without waiting for an answer I quickly scurried up the stairs. I looked around my bland small room and walked over to my small book case, choosing a book that I have probably read a thousand times, I sat down and opened the book

I have always loved books, there is just something about them, I am able to escape to a completely different world and not worry about the responsibilities that I now face.

I'm soon called down to clean up while my father and the mystery women sit in the living room I cleaned just hours ago. There fake and forced laughs carry through the house as does there hollers for me to get my father another beer or mystery woman another wine.

It's about 10 o'clock before I hear the two start to stumble their way up the stairs and down the hall, trying to find my father's bedroom.

I make sure to clean up the living room for the second time today before quietly making my way upstairs and into my bedroom, trying to once again block out the disturbing sounds of my father and another woman getting it on for the night.

When I get into my room, I was surprised to hear that they aren't as loud as father with that other lady last night but it wasn't all good, I could still hear them and they would undoubtedly get louder throughout the night

I got into my pyjamas and laid down in my bed but my mind wouldn't rest. What did I ever do to make my dad so angry at me?

I was getting good enough grades, I tried my hardest to stay small and skinny but I guess I am still pretty fat, that's one thing I completely hate, how can I still be so fat? I guess I just should work harder.

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