Morning Madness

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I trembled as hands touched my arm, they weren't hard or callused but instead they were soft, cold and so gentle, I hated the feeling though, I had woken up to them touching me 5 minutes ago, well at least it felt like 5 minutes but I kept my eyes firmly shut so I couldn't tell.

I tried my best to keep my breathing even and so far, I was doing a good job, having practice from when my father used to come in to my room to check if I was still awake. He would normally leave me alone but other times he would 'wake me up' and make me do things, I tried not to shudder whilst I pretended to be asleep.

After a while the hands moved away and soft padding of feet retreated and with the closing of the door, I was on my own again. I peeked one eye open and then the other, my mouth opened in a silent groan as I tried to turn my aching stiff neck.

Taking in my surroundings I was extremely surprised to see that I was back in Xander's room, in the exact same spot I was when I first was in his house. His room was so nice, much bigger than my room, it had money put into it, that was easy to see.

I tried to move my arm but looked down to see that I was wrapped tight in blankets with the duvet over me, it was so warm, I turned my head a fraction to see big glass windows that I hadn't noticed before and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips at the view, the trees were so big and I could see the sun shining brightly over the green forest.

I pulled my arms out from the duvet and slowly pushed it down my body, once I was free from the warmth, I couldn't help but shiver and wrap my arms around myself. I slowly stood up and stumbled to the door, regaining my balance once the dizziness and blurriness cleared from my eyes.

I pulled the door open to be greeted with an empty hall, it was so quiet you could hear crickets, I took my time walking down the hall, careful to not bump into anyone if they came out of the doors that litter the hall walls. Soon I stood in front of a staircase but there was still no sound, I made my way down the grand staircase and took in my surroundings, the stairs lead to the front entrance, the door was big and grand like I remembered it but for some reason I didn't want to walk out the door, I was tired of fighting everybody, I was there maid now, I just had to keep my head down and do what they said.

Feeling my legs erupt in goosepimples I looked down to see that I was in my shorts from when they took me and a long t-shirt that looked like it swallowed me up.

my heart rate started to speed up as I heard banging and clashing from one of the halls that travelled away from the front door. I quietly made my way down there but stopped and pressed myself close to the wall when I came to the entrance.

Carefully, making sure my body was still shielded I peeked around the corner but was extremely surprised to see that none of the Bow brothers were there but instead a little old lady, well I wouldn't call her old but she wasn't young either, she was plump, with a round oval face and short black hair cut into a bob, she was muttering to herself and turned to stir something on the hob but suddenly froze

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at her frozen state but stayed where I was, picking up the wooden spoon again she stirred the content in the pot again, this time, humming to herself but she was still stiff. I stayed where I was and watched as she floated through the kitchen

I looked to my feet and shifted a little, I didn't want to make myself known yet, I'd never met her before, she could hurt me.

Just as I was about to turn and walk back to the room her voice made me freeze "don't go" my whole body immediately tensed up and my breathing started to increase but I stiffly turned to see her much closer than I anticipated making me jump back a little bit

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