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As soon as I step foot into the kitchen Rachel
follows me in and hurries her way over to the stove where her creation from earlier was brewing, I stood uncomfortable at the entrance, not knowing what to do with myself, should I sit at the table or say something. I waited for a complete of minutes before Rachel walked over to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me over to the table.

She pushed on my shoulders as a sign to sit down and I complied, fidgeting when the boys broke from there little huddle and started to take their seats

Seconds later a steaming bowl of what looked like chicken soup was placed in front of me, my eyes darted up at Rachel to see her giving me an encouraging smile but I didn't smile back and instead stared at the bowl of soup, did she expect me to eat it when I still had thunder thighs?

I carefully pushed it away from me and looked at my lap "thank you but I-I'm not hungry" my voice was quiet and so was the room

The bowl was pushed back towards me a little more forcefully but I continued to look at my lap "hey" Xander snapped, making me jump a little "eat it" I lifted my shaking hand and picked up the spoon that lay beside the bowl and scooped up some chicken, bringing it to my mouth and hesitantly chewing.

I nearly shuddered when I swallowed but contained it and looked at the boys to see if they were satisfied but they were all looking at me expectantly, I could feel my eyes well up with frustrated tears and I looked at my lap again to avoid their piercing stares

My thighs where even shaking and I caved into myself a little bit "would you boys stop staring at her? Let her eat in peace" Rachel huffed and patted my shoulder making me flinch away

I didn't mean to and I could tell that everyone in the room had seen, there was silence that hung in the air but was broken soon after "Xander, calm down or get out dipshit" Mason said sternly, I peeked at the boy in question to see that he was glaring right at me

I shrunk into my seat and blinked away the tears, why did I have to screw everything up? Couldn't I just do one thing right?

"right, let's just cut to the chase, you're here because your father, or whoever that fucking idiot was, owes us money, now we don't take kindly to people fucking us off" a muffled laugh cut Aiden off and my eyes snapped up towards Xavier "be mature for once in your goddamn life" Aaron's voice was sharp causing Xavier to huff but before he could retaliate Aiden cut them off

"Both of you shut up, anyway, like I said we don't like to be fucked around so we are going to be making weekly visits to get the money from your father and when we have been payed back fully then we will give you back to him" my heart jumped out of nausea and I felt my whole-body shake

I don't want to go back, the words were right on the tip of my tongue but they just wouldn't come out, I nodded my head hesitantly, squeezing my eyes shut, I wasn't going to argue, I'd be stupid to

"right, well you already know Rachel, she is an old friend" I smiled a little and clasped my hands together but didn't look up "she will show you your room" "no" my ears perked at someone cutting the eldest Bow brother off "I'll show her" I dared to look at the brother who had offered and frowned when my eyes meet Xander's ablaze ones

Out of the corner of my eye Aiden rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair "I really couldn't care less but I will tell you this" his voice suddenly became low and dangerous making my skin prickle and not in a good way "you dare step out of line, I will through you out of this house and make sure that every fucking pervert and pimp knows who you are and that you have nowhere to go, I will make sure they know that you are completely defenceless" I rapidly nod my head and cower away from his deadly gaze, his words cutting dead and scaring me to the bone

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