It's her

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It's been incredibly long and i'm sorry for that but here's the update 


Xander's POV 

I grumbled and pulled my leather jacket closer to me, the air was a little cold, not too cold but I had forgotten my black hoodie that normally goes under my jacket so that air was nipping at my bones

I looked at Mason out of the corner of my eye and huffed, my hands clenching and the normal feeling of boiling frustration making its way through my veins

"Mason" his head finally snaps away from the side of mine and gives his attention to our older brother "you got something to say to Xander fucking say it, you know the signs so stop thinking that you're a tough guy and don't get into a fight with our younger but stronger brother" Masons face turned red instantly and it wasn't out of embarrassment

"You have got to stop fucking throwing that shit in my face Aiden, it was one fight and I was drunk off my ass" I scoffed and looked around the streets again "you got something to say about this hot head?" I clench my jaw at the mention of my nickname but unclench when I finally see what I have been waiting for

"Hey" Mason shouts from beside me, I turn and give him a blank look "I kicked your ass, you were drunk but I still managed to knock you out even though I was recovering from a stab wound so no, we aren't going to let it go dickface" masons face turns neutral and then I see a small smile start to tug at his lips but he turns away before I can see anymore

I turn around to Aiden and the little pipsqueak that we were meeting "got anything?" I smirk at Aiden's bluntness and relax myself against the wall "these guys just don't want to share who they are, okay? I tried the whole I'm homeless and I wanna get in to what you guys are doing but they didn't take so kindly to that" he was more hunched into himself than usual and I knew he was supporting more injures "what did he do?" his head shot to where I was standing and I knew he was shocked that I had spoken, I normally didn't do that sort of stuff when Aiden was around

He shook his head and started taking small steps back the way he came "stop being a pussy and fight back mate" mason growled from next to me, I rolled my eyes and then reached into the back of my pocket for my wallet "it's supposed to be your turn Mason, but I guess you aren't gonna be doing any giving today" Aiden's voice was dry and I could tell there would be words later

I took out a couple of hundreds and thrusted them into his face "look after your sister" I made my words hard and looked straight into his eye, he nodded rapidly and turned running as fast as his legs would carry him

Aiden sighed and shook his head "let's go to the garage" I nodded and pushed off the wall "I'm surprised you don't want to go home" Masons voice was accusing and low making me freeze in my stride "what's that supposed to mean?" I turn to him stiff as a pole and cock my head to the side

Aiden brings a hand up to his eyebrow and rubs it softly, a sign that he has had enough "what the fuck is wrong with you too? Ever since that girl came into our fucking lives everything has been messed up" I can't help the white-hot fire that spreads through me

"That is not her fault and that's not true either" the snarled words flow out of my mouth before I can stop them "did I say that it was her fault?" I force myself to relax at Aiden's do not mess with me voice "Mason, what is it about this girl that makes you a fucking nuisance in my life?" Aiden has always been harsh on Mason, he'd always been the one to never care about us, at least that was the vibe he gave out

Mason sighed and shook his head "nothing" he stands up straight and looks at me for a second before putting his fist out, I bump mine against his and nod

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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