My school life

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This is chapter 2 and I hope you enjoy it. Xander will be in the next chapter but I am having trouble finding a way of bringing him into it.

Molly smith and Jake black in the picture above



I push the heavy school door open and take a hesitant step inside of the school, I glance down the hallway to see only a few people at there lockers getting books out for the long day ahead of them.

I let out a relieved sigh when I don't see anyone of my main bullies that would cause me physical harm and step inside the school fully. i don't mind the emotional abuse anymore because i have finally accepted it is all true, of course the words still hurt but they are true so i have to just keep my mouth shut and learn to except them.

"okay, you've got this Riley. All you have to do is get to your locker without drawing attention to yourself and then sprint to the library"

I roll my eyes at my self again for that minny pep talk, no wonder everyone in the school calls me a freak, I am not exactly going to prove them wrong but talking to myself every morning, even though I kind of need it .

I snap out of my thoughts to see a tall boy standing behind me, giving me a dirty stare, I put my head down and shrink away, mumbling an apology, moving out of the school door so that he and lots of other people can shuffle in to the warm school and to there lockers.

As they move in I hear them mumble the usual things

"idiot, freak"

"what is she wearing"

"she looks like an ugly potato"

"why does she even show up when she knows that no one wants her here"

The last one always hits home, I know that no one wants me around but if I want to get out of the country when I turn eighteen then I have to get good grades, to get a good job.

I'm stuck here

I know that I won't be going to college anytime soon or ever because my dad's job barley keeps the bills payed and he would never let me go to college, I don't think that I would ever get a scholarship, I get good grades but not that good.

I glance around the hallway again to see that it is starting to get really full. I can feel my face pale, like anyone else would if they had the whole school against them, so I put my head down and take quick steps towards my locker. Once I reach it. I open it and put my school bag in but take all of my books and notepads out, just as I am about to close my locker it slams shut narrowly missing my finger tips, I gasp looking up to meet the dark green eyes of Jake black, my number one bully who loves to tell me how I am not good enough half the time.

Jake is the classic basketball player who thinks he is all that, when I really think he is a pile of stinky, smelly dog poo that has sat there for centers just getting worse but I could never say that to him of course. Jake has dark black hair hair that is spiked up and these beautiful but demonish striking evil eyes that all of the girls love. Jake has the most amazing life, he has the cool cars, rich parents, pretty girlfriend and is on top of the school.

I shrink back into the locker trying to put some space between us and hug my books close to my chest. "hello freak. I thought we made an agreement that you go jump off of a cliff and we all get to watch you and then laugh about it" I can hear all of his friends and the cheerleaders laughing behind him making him straighten up, puffing out his chest and chuckle to himself.

Just as I thought that I would be okay and get away from him, my books are shoved onto the floor out of my hands making my papers fly everywhere and i am shoved into my lockers. A hot painful fire shoots up and down my back from the bruise and scratches that my father inflicted on me the other night with a broken piece of lead pipe.

Tears spring to me eyes from the searing pain but I swallow them back, trying to be strong as I know I have had worse than this. The basketball team and the cheerleaders all cackle to themselves "you got lucky this time freak but I would lay off of the chocolate though, you seem to be getting a little filled out" I hear from Jake's barbie girlfriend molly smith.

Molly is the head cheerleader and the most beautiful girl in our school, she has blonde hair with lovely brown eyes that can make any boy fall for. But she is a disgusting human being, always telling me to cut down on food because I am too fat even though she is right.

I sink to the floor and start picking up all of my books and papers while they all walk away with the rest of the school chasing after them saying how 'cool' and 'awesome' they are. As I stand up, I look around and see that the whole hallway is now empty. The school bell goes off above my head and I sigh turning around and walk to my first class.

And all I can think is..............................

I hate school. 


I hope this is good and you found it okay


BTW I think that Robbie and Ashley are lovely people and really good actors but they will be portrayed as horrible people in this book.



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