My horrible life

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I hope everyone likes the chapter and I am sorry if spelling or grammar is not good but I will work on it

Thank you

BTW Riley Arrow is Indiana Evans and she is in the pic up top.


BEEP BEEP BEEP..........................               

I slam my hand on the alarm clock, holding my breath and squeezing my eyes shut to see if my guardian also known as my father would come in and beat me for waking him up at such an early hour. Peeking one eye open, I let out a slow breath and press a hand to my chest to try and lower my racing heart.

I know parents are supposed to love and care for you and be a shoulder for you to cry on but my life and family are far from that. When I was 10 years old me and my mum were in a brutal car accident that lead to my beautiful mother being killed and me surviving.

I looked at my clock and I read 5:15, I cursed under my breath and jumped out of bed, going to my wardrobe and picked out a pale pink sweater, with black jeans and white converse. I put make up on all of my bruises that are on my horribly battered face. I have dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes that I got from my mother, i'm around 5'5 and i am quite tanned considering where we live.

I work for my dad now, well not really but he seems to think so because I have to do all of the food shopping, clean the house, wash clothes, pick up after him and make sure that he has his breakfast and dinner on the table when he wants it. I have to do these things every single day; hence why I woke up at 5:00, and if I don't then I get a beating from him, in his mind I guess it is a way of disciplining me, until I am bleeding out on the floor and can't move as I am to hurt; emotionally and physically, the beatings only really happen when I don't do something right or he is overly drunk and wants a punching bag. All of that started 2 months after my mama died and dad started drinking.

I checked my bag for school and then sprinted down the stairs to make breakfast for my dad. I did the sausage, bacon and fried egg with an orange juice on the side and checked the time again 7:20. I picked up my bag and rushed to the front door, carefully shutting it behind me making sure to not to slam it.

I shiver from the horrible cold that nips at my bones, I live in forks, Washington and there is not a moment that goes by were it is not raining or snowing and just my luck this morning, it is snowing, i am too scared to go back into the house to get my coat so i will just have to bare the cold and hope that all of my classes have the heating on.

My walk to my hell of a school is about 40 minutes and normally by the time I get to school I am so tired and spent that I feel as if I need to go to bed for a thousand years and more.

I stick my earphones in and put on walk the moon, but not too loud so that I can still hear what is going on. I am very aware of my surroundings as I result of my horrible father. I hummed to myself as I walked down the street but just as I got to the school gates I stopped and stared as the sign taking a deep breath, trying to stop my shaking hands and started walking into the other part of my hellish life.

Here goes nothing.

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