Meeting the brothers and School projects

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I have thought long and hard about how i am going to introduce Xander and have found a way

Sorry for the bad language

Xander's outfit

Ignore the trailer please as there have been a few changes
All the brothers are the same but the main characters are not

Xander's POV


I hear and i know already that it is my younger twin brothers Xavier and Aaron trying and failing to make everyone breakfast as it is there day of the week.

I curse under my breath and turn over pulling the covers with me to try and block out the sound when there is a hard knock at the door, I already know it is  i moan and shout "go away or i will break your hand".

suddenly there is another crash and a door slamming meaning that they have woken up Mason, he is like me and won't tolerate anyone waking him up apart from if it is an emergency.

As i walk across the lounge and start to enter the kitchen a cylinder comes flying out straight towards me, my fast reflexes kicked in and i was able to dodge the cylinder. "little dipsticks" i curse.

I walk into the kitchen to find Xavier with Aaron in a head lock and Mason trying to pick up the pan with scrambled eggs everywhere, Aaron was trying to get out of the painful head lock but failing as he was so much skinnier than Xavier and wasn't built like him either.

I sighed and walked over to Xavier and pulled him off of Aaron who he now had pinned to the floor. i flung him off with ease as i was much bigger in size and built than him.

i was hold him by the back of the collar when he went to jump on Aaron again. "HEY" i doomed stopping everyone in the room "you two" i said pointing to the twins "which one of you, idiots, through the cylinder" i was getting more pissed now "him" they both said at the same time, i was about to blow my top when Aiden came into the room yawning "Xander, calm down, twins, stop trying to kill each other, being idiots and waking the whole house up" he walked over to the counter and then turned to us " right, you guys have to be in school in 25 minutes, so i will do the breakfast which will now just be toast and don't moan because it was there fault" he gestured to the twins while mason scowled "Mason help me with the toast , Aaron clean this up, Xavier, go and wake up Ethan and Xander cool yourself down and just get ready, now go..." as soon as Aiden gave out orders everyone was off doing what they were told to do and with no arguments, well there was a little grumbling from Aaron saying "it wasn't my fault i shouldn't have to clean that nincompoops mess up" but no one disobeyed considering it was to early for another fight.

I ran up stairs and hopped in my private shower and then got dressed into my black skinny jeans, plain white top with a black leather/material hoodie and my combat boots, i brushed my teeth but left my hair and just running my hand through it, i picked up my sun glasses and after putting on my cologne and putting my hoodie on my head i walked down stairs to find everyone except Xavier at the table eating there toast. I rolled my eyes at him cause he takes forever to get ready, sometimes i think he is really a girl trying to be one of the guys. I sat down next to Ethan who looked half asleep and started eating, once Xavier came down we were all laughing and joking until we had to go to that stupid pointless place of a school.

I was just about to start the car and drive off when Aiden came out of the house in a hurry, i rolled down the window to our black S.U.V.

"At about nine o'clock i need you to come with me to the harbor, we have to sort out that ass hole of a guy who this he can mess us around" he sneered, any ordinary person would be scared of Aiden but for us this was normal behavior. I gripped the steering wheel with anger, why does this man think that he will get away from us?, he is an idiot that has owed us $4,500 and if he doesn't pay tonight the 'devil' as my brothers like to call it comes out to play. He won't even be recognizable when i am done with him and will most likely die but that ain't my problem, he should've payed instead of buying more, the little dipshit.

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