"Normal people scare me"

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I hope you guys have enjoyed the book so far, sorry it took me so long to update, I know how as a reader it can be frustrating when you want the book to just get to the end but now I know as a writer it can be equally as frustrating trying to find the time to fit everything in

Anyways, on with the next chapter............

The forest was so thick and dense, well from what I could see

I had been awake for about an hour now, it felt so strange waking up in Xander's embrace, I didn't freak out though, it was mainly because his scent was so overwhelming

I had had my head tucked under his chin with my arm thrown over his waist and my leg thrown over his, the blush had travelled all over my body at that point but I had a tough time in moving away from him, every time I had moved away from him he had pulled me closer, finally I had gotten out of his hold but I didn't go far, I hadn't wanted to

I was now just sitting on his bed crossed legged facing his huge window that looked out onto the thick forest that was blurred by the rain drops that streaked the window

Xander's grumble woke me from my daydream of exploring the forest and I turned my head to see him turning his body so that he was on his front but his side was touching my back, I had noticed that even though I wasn't in his arms some part of his body had to be touching me

I took a glance at the clock and was surprised to see that the time read 8 o'clock so I quietly got out of bed and made my way towards his door.

I was as quiet and quick as a mouse as I walked through the house, it was huge but not impossible to navigate round and soon I was at the entrance of the kitchen

I loved to bake, cooking wasn't really my thing but I was good at it, it was probably the only thing I was good at and I loved it so seeing the kitchen empty and so clean made me just want to embrace my passion.

I moved carefully around the kitchen making sure not to make a sound but eventually my curiosity won and I started opening cupboards and the fridge to see what I could make

An idea popped into my head and I frantically searched the fridge for the ingredients I needed and did a silent squeal when they were all there

I got to work on my creation and sighed with pride as they started to sizzle away in the pan, when I was younger my mum would always make me pancakes if I had been a good girl the day before so I couldn't help but make them

I had already done about 12 but considering they were growing boys and there was a lot of them I continued to make more until the stack was so high I could barely see over the top of it

I was on my last batch and watching them sizzle away when a clearing of the throat made me spin around, unfortunately I forgot I still had the mixing spoon in my hand with quite a bit of the batter on it

Well that used to be on it because now it was all over Mason, everything was silent until Ethan burst out laughing, I gasped and cover my mouth with my hand tears already pooling in my eyes

I didn't know what to do, the batter was all over his shirt and a little on his chin and he was staring right at me with a blank face "I'm so sorry" my voice was a shocked whisper but I cleared it and spoke louder "I-I'm so sor-ry, I d-didn't see you or hear you" I knew my answer was helpless but what didn't help was that Ethan hadn't stopped laughing which was straight seen as he was really rude and hostile towards me yesterday

Eventually he stood up straight and calmed himself before walking towards me with a huge smile on his face "let put this down, before you batter anyone else" I had to stifle my laugh at his terrible joke but he saw me and chuckled a little

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