Not so great first meeting

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so sorry my life just seems to have fallen apart these last few weeks

anyway on with the book


I can't believe this, i am dead

I thought to myself, i have go to Xander bow, one of the most scariest people i have ever met, house and do a school project with him. Why couldn't he just have told me to do it and then i wouldn't be on the verge of a panic attack right now.

I was a bit shocked when he walked into class and sat by me but then i noticed that there weren't any other places for him to sit in, I muttered a silent 'idiot' to myself . I just kept my head down and copied down any notes i may need for homework as i would be doing 3 of them, one for me, one for molly and one for her best friend. As the end of the lesson came i was more than relief but then that quickly turned into horror when the teacher said we would be doing a paired project, as she called out peoples name saying who they would be paired with i relaxed when molly got paired with someone different, the teacher kept on and i started to sweat, she hadn't call out my name yet.

I nearly shit myself when she said that i would be paired with Xander, i am certain that the whole world's population had something  against me.But then again I don't blame them.

I tried to talk some sense into myself, tried to reassure myself that this was actually a good idea and that I didn't have any chance of dying tonight, but apparently my brain thought different

Oh who am I kidding, I'm screwed

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise that I was late to be home for my sorry excuse of a father, I took a sharp intake of breath but then cursed myself when my ribs protested in pain

I quickly walked down the road and turned the last corner into my street, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw my dads car still missing from the muddy driveway

I walked up to the door and unlocked it, quickly walking inside, I put my bags up into my room and then went to the kitchen to start dinner for my dad

I pulled out a steak and chips and started to prepare everything, after 30 minutes I was done and put the food on the plate for my dad with a beer for when he walked in, I had tried to give him a glass of water once but he got angry and beat me so badly that I was unable to go to school for a whole week due to the damage, he was very attached to his beer

I turned to look at the time and saw that it was only 5:00 so I put the food in the microwave and went upstairs to have a shower and reapply make up where needed.

When I was all done and finished I checked the time again to see that it was 5:30 and I knew if I didn't leave now I would never make it on time and I was not going to disrespect a bow boy, however scared I am of them.

I started my trek to Xander's house, which surprisingly was only 20 minutes away, I was about to go and knock when Xander's word registered in my head

6 o'clock no sooner, no later

I quickly retracted my hand and walked to the curb on the road and sat down, I looked around my surroundings and found that they had a lot of nice scenery around and that where lots of trees and the houses where very far apart but then again that didn't surprise me because the houses were like mansions, no corrections they were mansions

I was cut off from my daydream when a cold hard metal was pressed to my temple and a gruff voice said "get up"

It didn't take me long to realise that the weapon in the culprits hands was a gun.

I gulped

I am so dead, and not the dead I am getting told off, I mean the dead dead with blood and a bullet in the brain.

I was freaking out in my head, my eyes were darting around trying to find a way out of this terrifying situation. the man that was holding the gun roughly grabbed my arm and pull me to my feet, I whimpered out from the force he was using with me and shrunk away

"Keep that mouth of yours shut and tell me what the hell you are doing on my property?" the mystery man sneered, my head shot up at the word 'my' and I gasped, the man that had a gun to my head was Mason Bow

I continued to just open and close my mouth like a fish and stare at him, now seeing him up close I see that has a lot of frown lines but his skin still seems to stay a smooth golden colour. He has deep brown eyes and strong brown eyebrows. Mason growls again and grits out "what the hell are you doing on my property, who sent you?" I tried to form a sentence but the fear was too much for me and all I could do was open and close my mouth

He grumbled under his breath and then started to pull me to the front door of the house, my brain snapped into gear and I started to resist, but all he did was yank me harder to the point were he was dragging me, I finally found my voice "no, no I don't want to, please I didn't do anything" my eyes started to tear up.

He opened the door and yelled out "all of you get yourselves down here NOW" his voice screamed through the large mansion, i heard stomping and grumbles and even one door slam but kept my head down in fear, the gun was still pressed to my temple and Mason was still holding my arm but i wouldn't dare to move anyway.

All of a sudden my body was flung on to the floor, front first into the hard wood floor, i let out a cry at my body hitting the serfice of the ground. I start to sob and shake when I see 4 other pairs of shoes, in front of my face, another hand grabs my arm and they yank me up again, I let another cry from the throbbing pain in my arm from being pulled around like a rag doll.

The gun is pointed to my head again and my breathing increases, my breath starts to get shallower and I look at the 5 faces of the boy brother, but they start to blur, tears are still streaming down my face and I start to see black dots.

panic attack

I feel myself start to drop as my panic attack takes over my body and the black dots take over more of my vision, I crash to the ground but I am to far into my panic attack to know that I have landed on my side and that everything is screaming in pain.

I hear the five boys shouting at each other to do something and then shouting at Mason, asking him what the hell he had done to me but it was all muffled, all I could hear was all my blood rushing to my head. One blurry face comes into my sight, shouting at me and shaking me.

I can feel myself start to give into the darkness and I am almost there, welcoming it when I hear loud footsteps stomping down the stairs and then a loud voice roar "what the hell have you done?" and with that I give into the darkness.........

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